Saturday, March 27, 2004
NASA is about to attempt a new air speed record, over Mach 7. Very Cool. Can't help but wonder if the development will ever mean anything to the rest of us. The future of air travel seems quite bleak in light of the pandemic threat and the growing problem of terrorism. I suspect that business use will steadily decline, with technology it's not really needed anyway. Hopefully the wisdom of generating small macro-economies will take hold. For capitalism to work, goods must be sold at a price which reflects their true cost. That means including the cost to the environment as well as any cleanup. Again this works best within a macro-economy.
NASA is about to attempt a new air speed record, over Mach 7. Very Cool. Can't help but wonder if the development will ever mean anything to the rest of us. The future of air travel seems quite bleak in light of the pandemic threat and the growing problem of terrorism. I suspect that business use will steadily decline, with technology it's not really needed anyway. Hopefully the wisdom of generating small macro-economies will take hold. For capitalism to work, goods must be sold at a price which reflects their true cost. That means including the cost to the environment as well as any cleanup. Again this works best within a macro-economy.
Friday, March 26, 2004
George Laughs About Iraq:
George Bush shared a few laughs with journalists recently. Unfortunately, his main source of humor was the ill-fated search for weapons in Iraq. Many haven't shared his joke as they feel the deaths of five hundred U.S. Soldiers has been anything but funny. Well it's good to see George can laugh at himself no matter what the cost to the U.S. or anyone else for that matter.
George Bush shared a few laughs with journalists recently. Unfortunately, his main source of humor was the ill-fated search for weapons in Iraq. Many haven't shared his joke as they feel the deaths of five hundred U.S. Soldiers has been anything but funny. Well it's good to see George can laugh at himself no matter what the cost to the U.S. or anyone else for that matter.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Argentine Torture Museum:
You got to give it to the Argentine President for having the guts to address his countries past errors. One of Argentina's most famous torture centers has just been turned into a museum. A lot of other countries in the world could learn something from this. The human species has evolved to the point where they can handle the truth. Governments must learn this and act accordingly.
You got to give it to the Argentine President for having the guts to address his countries past errors. One of Argentina's most famous torture centers has just been turned into a museum. A lot of other countries in the world could learn something from this. The human species has evolved to the point where they can handle the truth. Governments must learn this and act accordingly.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Ontario emissions Testing:
My wife received notice the other day that it was time to get her car tested for emissions again. No problem, lower car emissions are a good thing right? On the news this morning they said that Ontario plans to discontinue the testing on private vehicles as the new emissions laws make them unnecessary. To bad they didn't decide this before she has to pay to have the test done. It's also to bad for the many garages who have paid dearly to install the equipment to make these tests. Too bad also for the garages which opened for the sole purpose of making these tests. Too bad for the millions (billions?) that have been spent to date setting up and administering this program.
I dream of a country where the elected officials show some respect for the money they have taken from their citizens. In fact you could say stolen, when you are taxed for a purpose that turns out to be false, abused, or simply mis-administered. This non-stop waste and lying must end. I suspect that there are an awful lot of Canadians who feel the same way. It's long past time that we put a stop to this. Our officials need to by answerable for their conduct and incredible waste of money that DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM. In any other field this conduct would likely lead to criminal charges. Before long, Canadians will start to believe our officials about as much as we believe George Bush when he feeds us his latest round of bullshit.
My wife received notice the other day that it was time to get her car tested for emissions again. No problem, lower car emissions are a good thing right? On the news this morning they said that Ontario plans to discontinue the testing on private vehicles as the new emissions laws make them unnecessary. To bad they didn't decide this before she has to pay to have the test done. It's also to bad for the many garages who have paid dearly to install the equipment to make these tests. Too bad also for the garages which opened for the sole purpose of making these tests. Too bad for the millions (billions?) that have been spent to date setting up and administering this program.
I dream of a country where the elected officials show some respect for the money they have taken from their citizens. In fact you could say stolen, when you are taxed for a purpose that turns out to be false, abused, or simply mis-administered. This non-stop waste and lying must end. I suspect that there are an awful lot of Canadians who feel the same way. It's long past time that we put a stop to this. Our officials need to by answerable for their conduct and incredible waste of money that DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM. In any other field this conduct would likely lead to criminal charges. Before long, Canadians will start to believe our officials about as much as we believe George Bush when he feeds us his latest round of bullshit.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Is He Ever Going to Get It?:
Bush just doesn't get it. The American people see a country being victimized by one for of slavery and torture or another and they want to help " Free The People". Unfortunately, the only time their government does decide to "liberate" a country is when they consider it in their "National Interest". Once they decide that this is what they want to do, they will tell their people anything to get them to agree.
The American people can't seem to understand that virtually every attempt the American Gov't has made to help anyone, ever, has ended in disaster for the country in question. This is because they don't really liberate anyone, but instead simply put them under a new master, American Business, with a very strong military to ensure that the dissidents don't spoil the fun.
The result, in the case of Iraq at least, is that the credibility of Bush, and the rest of the country along with him, is completely destroyed. Protest are erupting all over the world about the false war in Iraq. American business interests have gone stomping through the rest of the world for a long time. The voices of protest are growing louder and the U.S. is losing friends. The U.S. must stop using its might as a bully would. If they want to help, help. But you might try asking the country in question what help they need or want before you go storming in.
Bush just doesn't get it. The American people see a country being victimized by one for of slavery and torture or another and they want to help " Free The People". Unfortunately, the only time their government does decide to "liberate" a country is when they consider it in their "National Interest". Once they decide that this is what they want to do, they will tell their people anything to get them to agree.
The American people can't seem to understand that virtually every attempt the American Gov't has made to help anyone, ever, has ended in disaster for the country in question. This is because they don't really liberate anyone, but instead simply put them under a new master, American Business, with a very strong military to ensure that the dissidents don't spoil the fun.
The result, in the case of Iraq at least, is that the credibility of Bush, and the rest of the country along with him, is completely destroyed. Protest are erupting all over the world about the false war in Iraq. American business interests have gone stomping through the rest of the world for a long time. The voices of protest are growing louder and the U.S. is losing friends. The U.S. must stop using its might as a bully would. If they want to help, help. But you might try asking the country in question what help they need or want before you go storming in.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
H.P. to Offer Linux:
It's About time. My next box will be Linux. I hope there are a lot of other people equally pissed at Microsoft to join what is fast becoming a crusade. The best way to get back at them is through market share. Kind of like the way Ma Bell started to treat its customers a lot better once the market was opened up to competition. I also hope that the other manufacturers take notice and start to offer Linux packages as well. I can't wait!
It's About time. My next box will be Linux. I hope there are a lot of other people equally pissed at Microsoft to join what is fast becoming a crusade. The best way to get back at them is through market share. Kind of like the way Ma Bell started to treat its customers a lot better once the market was opened up to competition. I also hope that the other manufacturers take notice and start to offer Linux packages as well. I can't wait!
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Death Penalty:
I am generally against the death penalty. Mainly because I fear giving someone the power to make this decision. Second, if it's wrong to kill except in self defense, then it also wrong for the state to do the same thing. However, I've got to say one thing. If the choices are to allow murderers to serve short sentences and then release them to repeat the process, as we do in Canada, then I think we might do better by following the American's lead in cases such as this.
I am generally against the death penalty. Mainly because I fear giving someone the power to make this decision. Second, if it's wrong to kill except in self defense, then it also wrong for the state to do the same thing. However, I've got to say one thing. If the choices are to allow murderers to serve short sentences and then release them to repeat the process, as we do in Canada, then I think we might do better by following the American's lead in cases such as this.
The Rise and Fall Of U.S. Journalism:
Word is out that the world is starting to tune out to U.S. newspapers, Television, and all other forms of journalism. I don't know about anyone else but I stopped listening a long time ago. The only reason I pay them any attention at all is in an attempt to figure out what the American people are thinking. The American stations and papers have long ago become far too biased to be of any real value as a source of news and editorials.
Word is out that the world is starting to tune out to U.S. newspapers, Television, and all other forms of journalism. I don't know about anyone else but I stopped listening a long time ago. The only reason I pay them any attention at all is in an attempt to figure out what the American people are thinking. The American stations and papers have long ago become far too biased to be of any real value as a source of news and editorials.
Microsoft in Europe:
Looks like Microsoft is about to get pounded by fines and sanctions in Europe. Of course they'll appeal. But there is still plenty of hope that the rulings will be upheld and we'll finally get to see Microsoft take one on the chin.
Looks like Microsoft is about to get pounded by fines and sanctions in Europe. Of course they'll appeal. But there is still plenty of hope that the rulings will be upheld and we'll finally get to see Microsoft take one on the chin.
Monday, March 15, 2004
A Tenth Planet?:
So they finally found it. Myths have circulated for years concerning the existence of a tenth planet. There are several known objects which exceed 1000 km in diameter but are not considered planets. What makes this one different? Therein lies the source of the debate that is expected to ensue as a result of this discovery.
So they finally found it. Myths have circulated for years concerning the existence of a tenth planet. There are several known objects which exceed 1000 km in diameter but are not considered planets. What makes this one different? Therein lies the source of the debate that is expected to ensue as a result of this discovery.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Attack on Spain:
Either the terrorists are getting very smart or are becoming extremely foolish. Just when it was almost guaranteed that they were going to loose their biggest opponent, George Bush, they go and do something like this. Bush and Blair have been taking it pretty hard lately over the whole Iraq mess. Now the world view is going to soften once again, and the two liar twins are going to once again start to look heroic. My problem with Bush is and always will be his dishonesty to his people. Can't blame him for taking a stance on terror. But a leader must demonstrate faith in his people. Faith enough to tell them the truth. After all, isn't that what democracy is supposed to be?
Either the terrorists are getting very smart or are becoming extremely foolish. Just when it was almost guaranteed that they were going to loose their biggest opponent, George Bush, they go and do something like this. Bush and Blair have been taking it pretty hard lately over the whole Iraq mess. Now the world view is going to soften once again, and the two liar twins are going to once again start to look heroic. My problem with Bush is and always will be his dishonesty to his people. Can't blame him for taking a stance on terror. But a leader must demonstrate faith in his people. Faith enough to tell them the truth. After all, isn't that what democracy is supposed to be?
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Violence in Hockey:
Am I the only one who understands that half the crap we see in hockey these days represent outright assaults. I personally have not watched more than 2 hours of hockey in the last 15 years. This is not because I dislike the sport, quite the opposite. It's because I can't stand the price they are charging to see a bunch of guys play a game. Combine this with the fun of watching a player earn millions and then make mistakes a peewee player wouldn't. In addition, you get to see more swordplay with the sticks than if you were at a medieval challenge. The reports from the Vancouver-Colorado game are another fine example. One player sucker punches the other and then pile drives him to the ice, leaving the player in a pool of blood. To me this is just not hockey. The only place to deal with these incidents is in a court of law. It's one thing to get into a fight. It's quite another to blindly sucker punch someone or to use your stick as a weapon.
Am I the only one who understands that half the crap we see in hockey these days represent outright assaults. I personally have not watched more than 2 hours of hockey in the last 15 years. This is not because I dislike the sport, quite the opposite. It's because I can't stand the price they are charging to see a bunch of guys play a game. Combine this with the fun of watching a player earn millions and then make mistakes a peewee player wouldn't. In addition, you get to see more swordplay with the sticks than if you were at a medieval challenge. The reports from the Vancouver-Colorado game are another fine example. One player sucker punches the other and then pile drives him to the ice, leaving the player in a pool of blood. To me this is just not hockey. The only place to deal with these incidents is in a court of law. It's one thing to get into a fight. It's quite another to blindly sucker punch someone or to use your stick as a weapon.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Iraq's Oil:
With all the press we've read over the time since the Iraq invasion, the one thing we are not hearing about is the oil. Seems somewhat curious considering that the oil was and is a major factor in deciding to go, and stay, there in the first place. I assume that they oil is being extracted and refined. I wonder if it is being sold, and to whom, and at what price. As well, what is happening to the funds being generated from its sale? Is the U.S. keeping it " In Trust"? Is the money being used to fund the American's "Liberation Costs"? Is Iraq being made to make war reparations? I find it very interesting indeed that we are hearing none of the answers to these questions.
With all the press we've read over the time since the Iraq invasion, the one thing we are not hearing about is the oil. Seems somewhat curious considering that the oil was and is a major factor in deciding to go, and stay, there in the first place. I assume that they oil is being extracted and refined. I wonder if it is being sold, and to whom, and at what price. As well, what is happening to the funds being generated from its sale? Is the U.S. keeping it " In Trust"? Is the money being used to fund the American's "Liberation Costs"? Is Iraq being made to make war reparations? I find it very interesting indeed that we are hearing none of the answers to these questions.
Friday, March 05, 2004
GM Foods:
At least some politicians are showing some brains when it comes to G.M. foods. The British M.P.s are suggesting much more studies before they will allow the use of G.M. foods in Britain. Shows at least someone somewhere is listening to the warnings of many scientists including David Suzuki.
At least some politicians are showing some brains when it comes to G.M. foods. The British M.P.s are suggesting much more studies before they will allow the use of G.M. foods in Britain. Shows at least someone somewhere is listening to the warnings of many scientists including David Suzuki.
Things Heating Up in Europe:
The environmentalists have been saying since 1975 that the world would heat up due to global warming. It is starting to be proven that they were right, at least with the heating up part. Europe recorded its hottest summer in 2003 in 500 years. The scientists can't say exactly why, but the heat has been credited with 19,000 deaths so far. By all reports, things are going to become much worse before they get better. Meanwhile, our leaders continue debating the need for more industrial controls. George Bush has the worst performance on record in this regard. I wonder what it's going to take before they start acting sympathetic towards the future of us all.
The environmentalists have been saying since 1975 that the world would heat up due to global warming. It is starting to be proven that they were right, at least with the heating up part. Europe recorded its hottest summer in 2003 in 500 years. The scientists can't say exactly why, but the heat has been credited with 19,000 deaths so far. By all reports, things are going to become much worse before they get better. Meanwhile, our leaders continue debating the need for more industrial controls. George Bush has the worst performance on record in this regard. I wonder what it's going to take before they start acting sympathetic towards the future of us all.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Oh, You meant That Al Qaida:
I just can't get over this Khadr guy made famous by the fact that he was a Canadian being wrongly persecuted by the Americans. Now, Khadr and pretty much his whole damn family is saying that in fact they have many terrorist connections and are extremely proud of it. It gets better! Khadr has now seen the error of his ways. He states that he just wants to live in peace, don't we all.
However, there is the little matter of his presence in Canada. I imagine he must have signed some sort of document testifying to the fact that he had no terrorist affiliations before gaining admittance to this country. The way I see it, Whomever requests admittance to Canada, they have to leave the killing fields behind them. If they don't after having sworn oaths and so on, they should be issued a parachute and dropped out of the nearest aircraft to the homeland.
I just can't get over this Khadr guy made famous by the fact that he was a Canadian being wrongly persecuted by the Americans. Now, Khadr and pretty much his whole damn family is saying that in fact they have many terrorist connections and are extremely proud of it. It gets better! Khadr has now seen the error of his ways. He states that he just wants to live in peace, don't we all.
However, there is the little matter of his presence in Canada. I imagine he must have signed some sort of document testifying to the fact that he had no terrorist affiliations before gaining admittance to this country. The way I see it, Whomever requests admittance to Canada, they have to leave the killing fields behind them. If they don't after having sworn oaths and so on, they should be issued a parachute and dropped out of the nearest aircraft to the homeland.
Gas Tax Funds:
So Paul Martin is going to transfer some of the tax revenues from the fuel taxes back to the provinces for road repair. Seems only fair considering that this tax was originally established inorder to provide funds for roads. Over the years less and less of this money has found its way to the roads. This is the kind of thing we deal with all the time. The government establishes a new fee or tax and just as quickly divert these funds from their stated purpose. Politicians treat tax revenues as if they are their own personal funds to do with as they please. The same can be said of income taxes as a whole. Originally, they were established to support the war fund. After the war, it was to pay down the war debt. As we all know, we are still paying and paying and paying, while we watch these funds being mishandled. It's far past time that our leaders stop treating these funds as their own cash for life lottery.
So Paul Martin is going to transfer some of the tax revenues from the fuel taxes back to the provinces for road repair. Seems only fair considering that this tax was originally established inorder to provide funds for roads. Over the years less and less of this money has found its way to the roads. This is the kind of thing we deal with all the time. The government establishes a new fee or tax and just as quickly divert these funds from their stated purpose. Politicians treat tax revenues as if they are their own personal funds to do with as they please. The same can be said of income taxes as a whole. Originally, they were established to support the war fund. After the war, it was to pay down the war debt. As we all know, we are still paying and paying and paying, while we watch these funds being mishandled. It's far past time that our leaders stop treating these funds as their own cash for life lottery.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Where's Bush?:
Whatever happened to good ole George? I can't help but notice the distinct lack in reporting any big gaffes since the last TV interview. That's got to be one thing I'm going to miss, the almost daily entertainment he provided. I would have never stopped laughing had the issues not been so serious.
Whatever happened to good ole George? I can't help but notice the distinct lack in reporting any big gaffes since the last TV interview. That's got to be one thing I'm going to miss, the almost daily entertainment he provided. I would have never stopped laughing had the issues not been so serious.
Water on Mars:
NASA reports that Martian rocks prove that they once were in contact with water. This suggests that their is now a much greater possibility that it once supported some form of life.
NASA reports that Martian rocks prove that they once were in contact with water. This suggests that their is now a much greater possibility that it once supported some form of life.
Monday, March 01, 2004
Microsoft Longhorn Delayed:
Longhorn, Microsoft's latest Operating System is expected to have its release delayed, possibly until 2008. As a result, they are releasing a new version of Windows XP. XP reloaded is expected out shortly. Personally, I've had it with Microsoft. I'm going to give Linux a very serious look before I buy from Bill Gates any time soon.
Longhorn, Microsoft's latest Operating System is expected to have its release delayed, possibly until 2008. As a result, they are releasing a new version of Windows XP. XP reloaded is expected out shortly. Personally, I've had it with Microsoft. I'm going to give Linux a very serious look before I buy from Bill Gates any time soon.