Monday, January 21, 2008
Canada, The U.N. and Global Warming
The U.N. is starting to really speak with one voice concerning global warming. It's getting harder and harder for opponents to argue the effects, which few are. Now nay-sayers are admitting to the fact of the warming but are still arguing that it's because of the natural pattern of warming and cooling. Big tip.... the rates are all wrong for the natural explanation.
Meanwhile, in a sign of things to come, Canada is stepping up patrols in the north. I'm certain we are going to hear a lot more about this one as then Arctic continues to warm.
Meanwhile, in a sign of things to come, Canada is stepping up patrols in the north. I'm certain we are going to hear a lot more about this one as then Arctic continues to warm.
Is America ready for a Black President?
I was watching "The Daily Show" the other day. They had this series of clips from a variety of stations asking this question in connection with the coming election. What is amazing to me is the fact that none of them realize that the very question is offensive and extremely racist. The color of the skin isn't going to make any difference only their relative score on the idiot meter. Why is it always very white people with extremely white teeth that are asking this question? While it's obvious that I may be a little outspoken at times, I was quite surprised by the number of clips that were played. It actually sounded like something out of the sixties or before. Of course America is ready for a black , white, Chinese, female, or any other classification that we would choose to put on them. Personally, I think that being a politician is reason enough to hate them.... ha, ha. I mean come on... if your going to fill your heart with hatred , at least hate everyone equally!!!!