Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Dog Named Whitney

She was a 12 year old Border Collie and husky cross breed. She was mostly black and grey and we had had her since she was 3 months old. Living in the country as we do was paradise for this dog. She was never chained or penned and had free range of our property and she patrolled it and always watched over our kids. During the last year she was developing hip problems, which we think led to today's events. This morning our kids went out for the school bus and found her dead on the road. She had been hit by a truck. It wasn't pretty. She has never had any problems on the road in front as she has always been trained to stay on the property. We think the sound of the tractor trailer may have spooked her. Combined with her failing hip, we think that she may have faltered in her attempt to cross the road. It's really the only thing that makes any sense. This was one very smart dog, as almost all border collies are. She has never even come close to being hit before. Most people who saw her thought she was a wolf. She will be very, very missed.

It's just been that kind of year. Some times we all have bad days. This whole year seems to have been like that On the upside, I don't think she suffered. By all signs, she died instantly. I only wish that I could have spared the kids this particular image.

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