Wednesday, January 28, 2004
9/11 Conspiracy Theories:
Anyone else catch the CBC's Fifth Estate tonight? The show focused on different conspiracy theories regarding the 9/11 hijackings. One of the theories examined essentially states that George Bush was aware ahead of time about them. It showed several instances where George outright lied about his knowledge of the attacks. According to the theory they allowed the attacks to take place in order to justify the war on Iraq. Sounds pretty crazy until you examine some of the facts. Most notably is Bush's response to a question about when he became aware of the first attack. We all saw him being informed of the second on television while he was in a classroom. He answered that he found out about the first attack while waiting to enter the school. He stated that he viewed the first attack on television before entering the school. Oops, the video of the first attack was not known about until the day after the attack. On the day of the attack only the second attack was known to have been videotaped.
I don't really know what to make of any of it. One things for sure, this will definitely warrant more investigation. I also would very much like to read the book, hopefully translated, The Big Lie written by a French author and currently a best seller in Europe. I really hope the book is wrong, if not, this may become a long term problem the likes of which the U.S. has never seen.
Anyone else catch the CBC's Fifth Estate tonight? The show focused on different conspiracy theories regarding the 9/11 hijackings. One of the theories examined essentially states that George Bush was aware ahead of time about them. It showed several instances where George outright lied about his knowledge of the attacks. According to the theory they allowed the attacks to take place in order to justify the war on Iraq. Sounds pretty crazy until you examine some of the facts. Most notably is Bush's response to a question about when he became aware of the first attack. We all saw him being informed of the second on television while he was in a classroom. He answered that he found out about the first attack while waiting to enter the school. He stated that he viewed the first attack on television before entering the school. Oops, the video of the first attack was not known about until the day after the attack. On the day of the attack only the second attack was known to have been videotaped.
I don't really know what to make of any of it. One things for sure, this will definitely warrant more investigation. I also would very much like to read the book, hopefully translated, The Big Lie written by a French author and currently a best seller in Europe. I really hope the book is wrong, if not, this may become a long term problem the likes of which the U.S. has never seen.