Sunday, January 11, 2004
American Missile Defense Plan:
A Canadian National Defense report suggests that this plan would not prove as effective as the Americans would have us believe. According to the report this plan would not be able to stop cruise missiles or unmanned drone aircraft. I'm certain this plan would in the end cost trillions of dollars to implement. If in fact the missile defense plan is so limited, I can't understand the rush to execute it. I also can't understand the true reasons for wanting to. The most serious threat regarding missiles in fact comes from the U.S. They have by far the most missiles of all kinds as well as the most drone aircraft. The concept that no one might ever pose any threat to the U.S. is a scary one. Shudder to think of a world were the Americans could do absolutely anything they want without any threat whatsoever from anyone. Their record shows the brutality with which they treat the little guys and I can only imagine the result of even more invincibility. Whatever happened to the concept of balance of power. Again, the Americans have not demonstrated anywhere near the wisdom necessary for a nation which controls this much power. Lets just hope that they don't send us all down in flames by the time they finish. Their adherence to U.N. resolutions in the past has for the most part only occurred at their convenience and they regularly disregard the wishes of the rest of the world. Perhaps I would have a little more faith in them if they showed some respect for U.N. resolutions. Alas, thus far they have shown very little. The American act unilaterally almost always. They show very little concern for anyone other than themselves. The small efforts they make in this regard I suspect they do so as not to frighten their own people.
Please Paul Martin, think very carefully before you sign us up for this plan. By the time they finish they won't even have to send the troops in. They will simply blast opponents from space. This will make them have even less regard for the rest of us.
Canadian Street Violence:
Teen swarmings are on a serious rise in most Canadian cities. In Toronto the shootings continue practically on a daily basis. Reports of a shootout between police and a suspect in T.O. left one man dead and a police officer wounded. The situation appears to be quickly growing out of control. If this is going on in Toronto, how long before it spreads nationwide. Even in privileged Ottawa this is becoming a major problem. We must take back control of our streets. I suspect this will never happen until the law punishes much more severely minors who become involved in this violence. As an alternative we could always submit their applications to the American Army were they might vent these tendencies. Never seems to be any shortage of people to kill there.
My problem is with the American government, not its people. I suspect their biggest crime is their foolishness in believing anything their leaders tell them, much the same as in Canada.
A Canadian National Defense report suggests that this plan would not prove as effective as the Americans would have us believe. According to the report this plan would not be able to stop cruise missiles or unmanned drone aircraft. I'm certain this plan would in the end cost trillions of dollars to implement. If in fact the missile defense plan is so limited, I can't understand the rush to execute it. I also can't understand the true reasons for wanting to. The most serious threat regarding missiles in fact comes from the U.S. They have by far the most missiles of all kinds as well as the most drone aircraft. The concept that no one might ever pose any threat to the U.S. is a scary one. Shudder to think of a world were the Americans could do absolutely anything they want without any threat whatsoever from anyone. Their record shows the brutality with which they treat the little guys and I can only imagine the result of even more invincibility. Whatever happened to the concept of balance of power. Again, the Americans have not demonstrated anywhere near the wisdom necessary for a nation which controls this much power. Lets just hope that they don't send us all down in flames by the time they finish. Their adherence to U.N. resolutions in the past has for the most part only occurred at their convenience and they regularly disregard the wishes of the rest of the world. Perhaps I would have a little more faith in them if they showed some respect for U.N. resolutions. Alas, thus far they have shown very little. The American act unilaterally almost always. They show very little concern for anyone other than themselves. The small efforts they make in this regard I suspect they do so as not to frighten their own people.
Please Paul Martin, think very carefully before you sign us up for this plan. By the time they finish they won't even have to send the troops in. They will simply blast opponents from space. This will make them have even less regard for the rest of us.
Canadian Street Violence:
Teen swarmings are on a serious rise in most Canadian cities. In Toronto the shootings continue practically on a daily basis. Reports of a shootout between police and a suspect in T.O. left one man dead and a police officer wounded. The situation appears to be quickly growing out of control. If this is going on in Toronto, how long before it spreads nationwide. Even in privileged Ottawa this is becoming a major problem. We must take back control of our streets. I suspect this will never happen until the law punishes much more severely minors who become involved in this violence. As an alternative we could always submit their applications to the American Army were they might vent these tendencies. Never seems to be any shortage of people to kill there.
My problem is with the American government, not its people. I suspect their biggest crime is their foolishness in believing anything their leaders tell them, much the same as in Canada.