Friday, January 16, 2004
Flu Vaccine:
News out today that a U.S. study has found that the flu vaccine is in-effective. According to the report only 2 % more people became sick without the vaccine than those who had been given it. Considering the overwhelming cost of this program it would seem to be a waste of time except in very high risk patients. I would also be concerned with potentially weakening a persons immune system by preventing their bodies from having to fight it off naturally.
Algonquin College Student Teacher Sex:
The college is studying new regulations forbidding student-teacher sexual relationships. Apparently the staff members fail to see the ethical questions involved and their union is currently opposing the firing of a teacher for this conduct. I would have thought this would be a no-brainer. Simply put, it is un-ethical for a Prof. to have relations with one of their students as this is unfair, at least, to the other students. However, should an overwhelming attraction exist between a student and their prof. why wouldn't the student simply withdraw from the course allowing them to continue the relationship in an ethical fashion?
Diana Inquiry:
Reports out today that a new witness has come forward to Diana's crash. The witness is reported to have been directly in front of Diana's car at the time of the accident. The witness stated that he observed the car braking, and then swerving into the pillars. The suggestion has been made that this further supports the accident theory. I have several problems with this one.
First, why are we only finding out about this witness now.
Second, how accurate a witness can this be when they were supposedly in front and would have to have observed all this in their mirror, or by turning their head on what surely must be considered a very dangerous road.
Third, what caused Diana's car to brake this hard in the first place.
Fourth, having had to brake this hard, what caused them to go into the pillars as surely the car was in good repair and would have remained straight even while braking very hard.
I do not find that this clears anything up at all and frankly raises even more questions.
News out today that a U.S. study has found that the flu vaccine is in-effective. According to the report only 2 % more people became sick without the vaccine than those who had been given it. Considering the overwhelming cost of this program it would seem to be a waste of time except in very high risk patients. I would also be concerned with potentially weakening a persons immune system by preventing their bodies from having to fight it off naturally.
Algonquin College Student Teacher Sex:
The college is studying new regulations forbidding student-teacher sexual relationships. Apparently the staff members fail to see the ethical questions involved and their union is currently opposing the firing of a teacher for this conduct. I would have thought this would be a no-brainer. Simply put, it is un-ethical for a Prof. to have relations with one of their students as this is unfair, at least, to the other students. However, should an overwhelming attraction exist between a student and their prof. why wouldn't the student simply withdraw from the course allowing them to continue the relationship in an ethical fashion?
Diana Inquiry:
Reports out today that a new witness has come forward to Diana's crash. The witness is reported to have been directly in front of Diana's car at the time of the accident. The witness stated that he observed the car braking, and then swerving into the pillars. The suggestion has been made that this further supports the accident theory. I have several problems with this one.
First, why are we only finding out about this witness now.
Second, how accurate a witness can this be when they were supposedly in front and would have to have observed all this in their mirror, or by turning their head on what surely must be considered a very dangerous road.
Third, what caused Diana's car to brake this hard in the first place.
Fourth, having had to brake this hard, what caused them to go into the pillars as surely the car was in good repair and would have remained straight even while braking very hard.
I do not find that this clears anything up at all and frankly raises even more questions.