Saturday, January 10, 2004
Gay Marriage:
I fail to understand all the protests in Canada and the U.S. over the right of gay people to marry. In my view, what two consenting adults do in the confines of their own bedroom is their own business and nobody else's. The state has no business making these kinds of decisions for us at all. Consider the thought that should we allow governments to make these kinds of decisions for us, where will it end. They may one day be making these same decisions for the rest of us and citing these types of rulings as precedent. Governments should focus on the problem of people hating each other as opposed to people loving each other. Problems are not created out of love but out of hate. So what's the problem!!!
I fail to understand all the protests in Canada and the U.S. over the right of gay people to marry. In my view, what two consenting adults do in the confines of their own bedroom is their own business and nobody else's. The state has no business making these kinds of decisions for us at all. Consider the thought that should we allow governments to make these kinds of decisions for us, where will it end. They may one day be making these same decisions for the rest of us and citing these types of rulings as precedent. Governments should focus on the problem of people hating each other as opposed to people loving each other. Problems are not created out of love but out of hate. So what's the problem!!!