Monday, January 05, 2004
Lip Smacking:
What is going on with tv journalists these days. There appears to be a new trend, smacking of the lips before, during and after every few words. As much as I enjoy sitting there listening to the sounds of someone eating while I sit watching someone eat this is not the place for it. This seems to be a very popular and growing trend. Watching the news makes me feel as if I'm listening in on the conversation of a bunch of little old ladies drinking tea and eating cookies.
This habit is both unprofessional and for me at least almost impossible to watch. Is this because they're trying to speak so fast they can't catch there breath. I think not! Often we are treated to the sound prior to the uttering of so much as one word.
Big Tip kids: Please try to reverse this trend. I for one now use this habit as the deciding factor as to how long I watch any given show. Generally by the second smack I change the channel.
Upside: Because I change the channel so often I'm now exposed to many more news reports than might otherwise be the case.
Downside: It is becoming so prevalent that I very rarely watch an entire segment before changing stations.
Yesterday's Most Prolific Smacker: Sandy Rinaldo: CTV News
Ontario Preem Dalton:
This man must think we are all idiots. He has pretty much set a new record for most campaign promises broken in the shortest period of time. He blames this primarily on the unknown budget deficit. People, this is bull. I absolutely refuse to believe that this man took over the province without having any of his advisers inform him of the state of finances. In other words, he knew full well that the province was running a deficit and how much. This means that all his promises were outright lies. The only other conclusion one could come to is that he is an ever bigger idiot than he thinks we are. I did not vote for him, and I for one will work in any way possible to ensure that he doesn't get re-elected. People may not have liked Ernie Eves' policies but I found the honesty refreshing in a politician.
I much prefer to hear bad news when its true than good news which is bullshit.
What is going on with tv journalists these days. There appears to be a new trend, smacking of the lips before, during and after every few words. As much as I enjoy sitting there listening to the sounds of someone eating while I sit watching someone eat this is not the place for it. This seems to be a very popular and growing trend. Watching the news makes me feel as if I'm listening in on the conversation of a bunch of little old ladies drinking tea and eating cookies.
This habit is both unprofessional and for me at least almost impossible to watch. Is this because they're trying to speak so fast they can't catch there breath. I think not! Often we are treated to the sound prior to the uttering of so much as one word.
Big Tip kids: Please try to reverse this trend. I for one now use this habit as the deciding factor as to how long I watch any given show. Generally by the second smack I change the channel.
Upside: Because I change the channel so often I'm now exposed to many more news reports than might otherwise be the case.
Downside: It is becoming so prevalent that I very rarely watch an entire segment before changing stations.
Yesterday's Most Prolific Smacker: Sandy Rinaldo: CTV News
Ontario Preem Dalton:
This man must think we are all idiots. He has pretty much set a new record for most campaign promises broken in the shortest period of time. He blames this primarily on the unknown budget deficit. People, this is bull. I absolutely refuse to believe that this man took over the province without having any of his advisers inform him of the state of finances. In other words, he knew full well that the province was running a deficit and how much. This means that all his promises were outright lies. The only other conclusion one could come to is that he is an ever bigger idiot than he thinks we are. I did not vote for him, and I for one will work in any way possible to ensure that he doesn't get re-elected. People may not have liked Ernie Eves' policies but I found the honesty refreshing in a politician.
I much prefer to hear bad news when its true than good news which is bullshit.