Friday, January 09, 2004
Missile Defense Plan:
Apparently Canada is mulling over the decision to join up with the American missile defense plan. Can't say I know enough about the plan to make an informed opinion on it and I suspect the Canadian Gov't doesn't either. However I think we can make some observations based on what we do know.
First, I don't trust anything the Americans say, particularly when their diplomacy so often is conducted at the end of a gun.
Second, I fail to see the need for such a system, especially when considering that they are stomping out of existence rogue states at the drop of a hat.
Third, the Americans follow their own self-interests with very little regard for the well-being of others. Their history shows this repeatedly and is really very hard to argue.
Fourth, I would be very reluctant to even further involve ourselves in the American military machine as sooner or later someone strong enough is going to take exception to their actions and we will be pulled in along with them.
Fifth, if the Canadian Gov't deals with this issue like they dealt with the Sea King replacement program, they will likely come to a decision sometime around the year 2025 instead of the Oct. 2004 deadline.
Sixth, Chretien stayed out of the Iraq campaign and its looking very much like he made the right decision despite all the words out of the White House.
Seventh, Canada must play a leading role in the global peace process and to further ally ourselves with them would seriously harm our credibility in this regard.
Eighth, the U.S. has a history of knee jerk reactions to things and doesn't demonstrate the wisdom necessary to properly use its power.
Nineth, in the scale of history it wasn't so long ago that they were attacking us.
Tenth, oh hell, I better stop here before this becomes a book. I think you get the picture.
Note: The Americans have been a friend to Canada in the recent past and hopefully will continue to be so. But true friends don't always have to agree on everything, and by disagreeing the friendship can grow stronger. I hope the Americans have the wisdom to understand this and stop taking such great offense anytime someone has the parts to disagree.
Apparently Canada is mulling over the decision to join up with the American missile defense plan. Can't say I know enough about the plan to make an informed opinion on it and I suspect the Canadian Gov't doesn't either. However I think we can make some observations based on what we do know.
First, I don't trust anything the Americans say, particularly when their diplomacy so often is conducted at the end of a gun.
Second, I fail to see the need for such a system, especially when considering that they are stomping out of existence rogue states at the drop of a hat.
Third, the Americans follow their own self-interests with very little regard for the well-being of others. Their history shows this repeatedly and is really very hard to argue.
Fourth, I would be very reluctant to even further involve ourselves in the American military machine as sooner or later someone strong enough is going to take exception to their actions and we will be pulled in along with them.
Fifth, if the Canadian Gov't deals with this issue like they dealt with the Sea King replacement program, they will likely come to a decision sometime around the year 2025 instead of the Oct. 2004 deadline.
Sixth, Chretien stayed out of the Iraq campaign and its looking very much like he made the right decision despite all the words out of the White House.
Seventh, Canada must play a leading role in the global peace process and to further ally ourselves with them would seriously harm our credibility in this regard.
Eighth, the U.S. has a history of knee jerk reactions to things and doesn't demonstrate the wisdom necessary to properly use its power.
Nineth, in the scale of history it wasn't so long ago that they were attacking us.
Tenth, oh hell, I better stop here before this becomes a book. I think you get the picture.
Note: The Americans have been a friend to Canada in the recent past and hopefully will continue to be so. But true friends don't always have to agree on everything, and by disagreeing the friendship can grow stronger. I hope the Americans have the wisdom to understand this and stop taking such great offense anytime someone has the parts to disagree.