Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Not That I Hate Americans:
Quite the contrary in fact. The average American has no idea of the true role its government is playing in world affairs. They are subjected to a media campaign specifically designed to convince the commoners that the goals and policies of their government have only the noblest of intentions, help the less fortunate,world peace, help the little guys, etc. In fact historical record proves that this is not the case. American involvement in Central and South America has benefited military industry more than anyone else and has left the area in a shambles. The same can be said for the middle east. The people are led to believe that this is being done for their benefit but in fact American self-interest is, and always has been, the main priority here.
The American corporation Bechtel figures prominently in many of its charitable acts in other countries. It is interesting to note the who's who that makes up its board of directors and the privileged position it holds in international bidding whenever the US is involved. Note how quickly Bush denies any privileged position it holds. History does not support his denials.
American politicians must recognize the fact that a true charitable act is not done for the benefit of the giver but for the benefit if the recipient. Most of the nations of the world recognize this conflict and it is the major source of the resentment the U.S. fosters in the world by its actions.
Most Americans due not accept this basic fact. Primarily due to the fact that they are very rarely ever exposed to the full truth of their governments actions. In fact it is not only the media but the very educational system which prevents this enlightenment. American text books are specifically designed to show Americans in their best light, often at the cost of historical accuracy. This is so prevalent as to make most texts actually useless as a source of true history. The result is that you get graduates who are extremely biased about history and thus are unable to make a true evaluation of anything.
True knowledge must by definition be objective. Without all the facts, nothing of value can be actually learned. For Americans to take their place as the great leaders of the free world they must first educate themselves about their own history and the mistakes of the past and present. This will never happen until their government shows sufficient respect for their own people and tells them the truth.
The U.S. holds a very special place in the world. Firstly due to their raw power, but also due to the principles upon which it was built. The average American supports the actions of their government because they believe that its acting on the same principles they hold dear. The people are generous, giving, and truly wish their government to act on their behalf while holding true to their beliefs. If their government acting in reality as they all believed the world might truly be a much better place.
The people of America are ready for a government which actually reflects them as opposed to one hellbent on keeping them in the dark. Their government must become as great as the ideals that its citizens support.
Quite the contrary in fact. The average American has no idea of the true role its government is playing in world affairs. They are subjected to a media campaign specifically designed to convince the commoners that the goals and policies of their government have only the noblest of intentions, help the less fortunate,world peace, help the little guys, etc. In fact historical record proves that this is not the case. American involvement in Central and South America has benefited military industry more than anyone else and has left the area in a shambles. The same can be said for the middle east. The people are led to believe that this is being done for their benefit but in fact American self-interest is, and always has been, the main priority here.
The American corporation Bechtel figures prominently in many of its charitable acts in other countries. It is interesting to note the who's who that makes up its board of directors and the privileged position it holds in international bidding whenever the US is involved. Note how quickly Bush denies any privileged position it holds. History does not support his denials.
American politicians must recognize the fact that a true charitable act is not done for the benefit of the giver but for the benefit if the recipient. Most of the nations of the world recognize this conflict and it is the major source of the resentment the U.S. fosters in the world by its actions.
Most Americans due not accept this basic fact. Primarily due to the fact that they are very rarely ever exposed to the full truth of their governments actions. In fact it is not only the media but the very educational system which prevents this enlightenment. American text books are specifically designed to show Americans in their best light, often at the cost of historical accuracy. This is so prevalent as to make most texts actually useless as a source of true history. The result is that you get graduates who are extremely biased about history and thus are unable to make a true evaluation of anything.
True knowledge must by definition be objective. Without all the facts, nothing of value can be actually learned. For Americans to take their place as the great leaders of the free world they must first educate themselves about their own history and the mistakes of the past and present. This will never happen until their government shows sufficient respect for their own people and tells them the truth.
The U.S. holds a very special place in the world. Firstly due to their raw power, but also due to the principles upon which it was built. The average American supports the actions of their government because they believe that its acting on the same principles they hold dear. The people are generous, giving, and truly wish their government to act on their behalf while holding true to their beliefs. If their government acting in reality as they all believed the world might truly be a much better place.
The people of America are ready for a government which actually reflects them as opposed to one hellbent on keeping them in the dark. Their government must become as great as the ideals that its citizens support.