Thursday, January 15, 2004
Photo Radar:
Ontario is planning to re-instate the photo radar system. We have heard many views on this. An O.P.P. officer interviewed on CHRO today suggested that this would increase Ontario's highway safety. According to my information this is not correct. In fact just the opposite. According to my sources many of the people speeding along the 401 are driving BMWs and other luxury cars. With the photo radar system when you are fined you do not receive any demerit points and your insurance rate does not suffer. For a wealthy individual, this is no deterrent as they are fully prepared to pay the fine in order to save time. When being ticketed by a police officer you get demerit points and your insurance rate does suffer as they can prove who was driving the car. This is a deterrent.
Dalton Mcguinty has stated publicly that the reason for this re-instated is to generate revenues. I don't have any problem with this, as excessive speed is dangerous to all. However this should not take away any of the police enforcement. As well, the public should be clearly informed as to the reason for the re-instated, instead of the false reasons which we are being stated. Road safety will not increase by their use and the public should be made fully aware of this.
Ontario Hydro:
According to reports, Ontario is re-thinking its plan to eliminate coal fired plants by 2007. This is due to concerns as to whether we will have sufficient power without them. We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a large percentage to save the planet. Coal fired plants must go, the sooner the better. Unfortunately we are not hearing anything about environmentally sound hydro generation projects. Many systems exist that would help in this regard, but there are no major projects underway to implement them.
We hear regularly about the high cost of such systems. This only makes sense until we evaluate the true cost. If the cost of the damage to the ecosystem, disposing of waste, clean-up and the like were examined the true cost of Nuclear, coal fired, hydro-electric, and other fuel-burning systems would very quickly make environmentally friendly generating systems the most economical. As well, the more green systems we use the lower their cost will become. Keeping this in mind, the answer to the question is clear. Close the coal-fired plants!!
Copps to Switch Parties:
Apparently Sheila Copps is being forced out of her riding by the efforts of Paul Martin. Not surprising as she dared oppose him for the Liberal Leadership. However, what I don't understand is her quickness to change parties. This doesn't say much for the integrity of her beliefs. I strongly support the re-uniting of the Conservative party in Canada, as we definitely need a viable opposition to the Liberals. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and are government needs balance to properly represent us. My concern stems from the apparent lack of backbone amongst politicians and further erodes my faith in their stated beliefs if the are prepared to switch parties whenever convenient.
Budget Cuts:
We are constantly bombarded with reports of cuts in order to balance the budget. Many of the cuts are to programs worthy and needed. While I support the need for a balanced budget, there is another way. Perhaps our governments should concern themselves more with eliminating waste and in-efficientcy within their own departments starting at the top before eliminating programs direly needed by Canadians. They might want to pay a little more attention to the Auditor-Generals yearly report for starters. This regularly identifies waste on a colossal scale. Governments must clean up their own messes first before they due further damage to desperately needed social programs. We are one of the most heavily taxed nations on earth. Surely we can afford to help the less fortunate, repair our roads, repair our health system, equip our armed forces, etc., without having to increase taxes or cut other programs. Perhaps a little less perks for politicians would be a great place to start, and a lot more accountability for the funds they already control.
Getting elected should not be the equivalent of winning the cash for life lottery. Politicians should not receive a full pension after only 5 years service. A pro-rated system would be much more equitable. Many officials share these views, perhaps we should consider this when voting.
Ontario is planning to re-instate the photo radar system. We have heard many views on this. An O.P.P. officer interviewed on CHRO today suggested that this would increase Ontario's highway safety. According to my information this is not correct. In fact just the opposite. According to my sources many of the people speeding along the 401 are driving BMWs and other luxury cars. With the photo radar system when you are fined you do not receive any demerit points and your insurance rate does not suffer. For a wealthy individual, this is no deterrent as they are fully prepared to pay the fine in order to save time. When being ticketed by a police officer you get demerit points and your insurance rate does suffer as they can prove who was driving the car. This is a deterrent.
Dalton Mcguinty has stated publicly that the reason for this re-instated is to generate revenues. I don't have any problem with this, as excessive speed is dangerous to all. However this should not take away any of the police enforcement. As well, the public should be clearly informed as to the reason for the re-instated, instead of the false reasons which we are being stated. Road safety will not increase by their use and the public should be made fully aware of this.
Ontario Hydro:
According to reports, Ontario is re-thinking its plan to eliminate coal fired plants by 2007. This is due to concerns as to whether we will have sufficient power without them. We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a large percentage to save the planet. Coal fired plants must go, the sooner the better. Unfortunately we are not hearing anything about environmentally sound hydro generation projects. Many systems exist that would help in this regard, but there are no major projects underway to implement them.
We hear regularly about the high cost of such systems. This only makes sense until we evaluate the true cost. If the cost of the damage to the ecosystem, disposing of waste, clean-up and the like were examined the true cost of Nuclear, coal fired, hydro-electric, and other fuel-burning systems would very quickly make environmentally friendly generating systems the most economical. As well, the more green systems we use the lower their cost will become. Keeping this in mind, the answer to the question is clear. Close the coal-fired plants!!
Copps to Switch Parties:
Apparently Sheila Copps is being forced out of her riding by the efforts of Paul Martin. Not surprising as she dared oppose him for the Liberal Leadership. However, what I don't understand is her quickness to change parties. This doesn't say much for the integrity of her beliefs. I strongly support the re-uniting of the Conservative party in Canada, as we definitely need a viable opposition to the Liberals. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and are government needs balance to properly represent us. My concern stems from the apparent lack of backbone amongst politicians and further erodes my faith in their stated beliefs if the are prepared to switch parties whenever convenient.
Budget Cuts:
We are constantly bombarded with reports of cuts in order to balance the budget. Many of the cuts are to programs worthy and needed. While I support the need for a balanced budget, there is another way. Perhaps our governments should concern themselves more with eliminating waste and in-efficientcy within their own departments starting at the top before eliminating programs direly needed by Canadians. They might want to pay a little more attention to the Auditor-Generals yearly report for starters. This regularly identifies waste on a colossal scale. Governments must clean up their own messes first before they due further damage to desperately needed social programs. We are one of the most heavily taxed nations on earth. Surely we can afford to help the less fortunate, repair our roads, repair our health system, equip our armed forces, etc., without having to increase taxes or cut other programs. Perhaps a little less perks for politicians would be a great place to start, and a lot more accountability for the funds they already control.
Getting elected should not be the equivalent of winning the cash for life lottery. Politicians should not receive a full pension after only 5 years service. A pro-rated system would be much more equitable. Many officials share these views, perhaps we should consider this when voting.