Saturday, February 07, 2004
Don Cherry-The Scandal Continues:
It seems that Canadians need not look south of the border to find glaring examples of political idiocy. Our government is now announcing an inquiry into Don's comments and that this inquiry will be given top priority. Oh Yeah, Don's comments definitely rank right up there on my list of urgently pressing issues that our government needs to deal with. How many millions of dollars are the fools going to through away on this inquiry? I would have thought that there are a great many more serious problems to deal with. I certainly can think of 50 that are far more important than this one and would be quite upset to think of our very limited tax dollars being wasted in this manner. Knee jerk reactions for the sake of the media have no real place in politics and it's far time our leaders( for want of a better term) took that into consideration.
I, for one, really enjoy Don's rants. This doesn't mean that I agree with any more than half of his opinions. That is really not the point. The point is that this is supposed to be entertainment. God forbid that anyone should express an opinion that doesn't jibe with the current popular view. If the critics have there way, we'll all be listening to the exact same opinion being expressed by all. Hell we won't even need to have different people on T.V., we can just use the same one repeating the CORRECT view over and over. Far too often lately do we hear of someone who dared to detract from the popular view. They are derided, inquired into, and raked over the coals in the press. This is hardly freedom of speech the way I understand it. Lets just hope that we never live in a country where the complaints of ten people( Don's Case) have the affect of limiting our ability to hear the comments of men like Don. Don often can sound like a bigot and ignorant at best. But you have to admit one thing, this guy knows hockey. There are few who have anywhere near his level of knowledge of the sport. This is the primary reason I'll keep watching, even when I don't agree. As a French Canadian I am often the subject of his rants. This doesn't concern me in the least. As a resident of Canada I'm free to disagree, turn the channel, or outright stop watching anytime I'd like. That's one of the things that make this country great. I shudder to think that there may be a time that this would not be the case.
It seems that Canadians need not look south of the border to find glaring examples of political idiocy. Our government is now announcing an inquiry into Don's comments and that this inquiry will be given top priority. Oh Yeah, Don's comments definitely rank right up there on my list of urgently pressing issues that our government needs to deal with. How many millions of dollars are the fools going to through away on this inquiry? I would have thought that there are a great many more serious problems to deal with. I certainly can think of 50 that are far more important than this one and would be quite upset to think of our very limited tax dollars being wasted in this manner. Knee jerk reactions for the sake of the media have no real place in politics and it's far time our leaders( for want of a better term) took that into consideration.
I, for one, really enjoy Don's rants. This doesn't mean that I agree with any more than half of his opinions. That is really not the point. The point is that this is supposed to be entertainment. God forbid that anyone should express an opinion that doesn't jibe with the current popular view. If the critics have there way, we'll all be listening to the exact same opinion being expressed by all. Hell we won't even need to have different people on T.V., we can just use the same one repeating the CORRECT view over and over. Far too often lately do we hear of someone who dared to detract from the popular view. They are derided, inquired into, and raked over the coals in the press. This is hardly freedom of speech the way I understand it. Lets just hope that we never live in a country where the complaints of ten people( Don's Case) have the affect of limiting our ability to hear the comments of men like Don. Don often can sound like a bigot and ignorant at best. But you have to admit one thing, this guy knows hockey. There are few who have anywhere near his level of knowledge of the sport. This is the primary reason I'll keep watching, even when I don't agree. As a French Canadian I am often the subject of his rants. This doesn't concern me in the least. As a resident of Canada I'm free to disagree, turn the channel, or outright stop watching anytime I'd like. That's one of the things that make this country great. I shudder to think that there may be a time that this would not be the case.