Sunday, February 01, 2004
George Sees the Light:
It appears that George Bush has finally come to accept what everyone else has known for some time. That is, there are no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and haven't been for some time. This definitely seems to be a case of the learning disabled. Pretty much everyone else on the planet has recognized this fact for quite a while. It's one thing to make a mistake, it's another to blindly cling to that error. One might have thought that a sitting president of the U.S. would be mature enough to admit their mistakes. This doesn't appear to be the case with George. Despite what was obviously a major intelligence failure he is strongly resisting efforts to launch an independent investigation into what went wrong. I suspect that he might be more agreeable after the election when the findings of this type of investigation would have much less impact on his aspirations.
It appears that George Bush has finally come to accept what everyone else has known for some time. That is, there are no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and haven't been for some time. This definitely seems to be a case of the learning disabled. Pretty much everyone else on the planet has recognized this fact for quite a while. It's one thing to make a mistake, it's another to blindly cling to that error. One might have thought that a sitting president of the U.S. would be mature enough to admit their mistakes. This doesn't appear to be the case with George. Despite what was obviously a major intelligence failure he is strongly resisting efforts to launch an independent investigation into what went wrong. I suspect that he might be more agreeable after the election when the findings of this type of investigation would have much less impact on his aspirations.