Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Can you believe the fuss being made about Janet's exposing her nipple during the Superbowl. It was a goofy move to say the least, but the amount of furor it has raised is to me quite astonishing. I am amazed at the seemingly unending series of mothers and fathers who when interviewed describe their horror as they watched with their children. Personally, I have more problem with the blatantly sexual movements made in modern teen music videos than I do with my children seeing a nipple. As the groundskeeper Willie says in the Simpson's Ahhh, it's no more than what the good lord gave me. I don't care one way or another how much nudity they show on daytime television. My kids aren't shocked at the sight of a human body and no one else's should be either. The body is the most natural thing in the world. I would however much prefer to see less blatant promiscuity among teens shown during kiddy hours. That's the kind of examples I'd rather not have my kids see.
Can you believe the fuss being made about Janet's exposing her nipple during the Superbowl. It was a goofy move to say the least, but the amount of furor it has raised is to me quite astonishing. I am amazed at the seemingly unending series of mothers and fathers who when interviewed describe their horror as they watched with their children. Personally, I have more problem with the blatantly sexual movements made in modern teen music videos than I do with my children seeing a nipple. As the groundskeeper Willie says in the Simpson's Ahhh, it's no more than what the good lord gave me. I don't care one way or another how much nudity they show on daytime television. My kids aren't shocked at the sight of a human body and no one else's should be either. The body is the most natural thing in the world. I would however much prefer to see less blatant promiscuity among teens shown during kiddy hours. That's the kind of examples I'd rather not have my kids see.