Saturday, June 12, 2004
Canadian-American Relations:
I was reading a Mclean's Magazine article about our relationship with our southern neighbors. Good article! Among the many points made were a few that reminded me a some of the facts that I had been forgetting lately. In particular was a poll taken in both countries regarding our feelings toward each other. It would appear that we Canucks are in general much more angry at the U.S. than they are at us. I think this gives a lot a credit to the Yanks.
During the poll several American respondents made some very good points. One of which deals with the American willingness and capability of coming to our assistance in time of need. The vast majority of Americans stated that they would come to our defense if needed. Many Canadians felt the same but there answer was conditional on the circumstances. I have to agree with the Yanks when they say several things. They stated that in their free country the whole world hears all the details right away and are therefore in a position to judge quickly- this is not true on many places in the world- I AGREE. Another is that the Americans, being the strongest, are called upon to save the free world everytime a problem arises- I AGREE. One person stated that if it hadn't been for the Americans, Canucks would now be speaking German or Russian- I DISAGREE- the Americans stayed out of the First World War until 1917, 3 years after everyone else. The Americans didn't enter WW2 until 1941- The Canucks had been in from the beginning- 1939.
American and Canadians answered alike when questioned about the state of the Canadian military- Canada has a military? Canadians feel alike in that the state of our military forces is a disgrace. It is shameful that we have allowed them to degrade to this point. By allowing this state we do a disservice to our people in the forces as well as failing to fulfill our obligations to the U.N., Nato, Norad, and our friends worldwide. We have long lived in peace in Canada. We have become very used to the idea that we are in no real danger of invasion because the U.S. would be quick to come to our aid. This comfort and the fact that Canada is viewed worldwide as a safe haven for persecuted peoples makes it easy to forget why we are able to live this way. While I respect and agree with the decision that Canada not go to war in Iraq, we are in no position to judge too harshly while sitting comfortably because of our proximity to the U.S. We are in large part safe here because of the U.S. The will of their people has long been to help the needy all over the world, this only becomes a problem because of their leaders and corporations. Perhaps if Canada was doing its fair share in support of our agreed upon responsibilities than the American Forces woudn't be stretched too thin. That means that we Canadians our causing the deaths of Americans in Iraq by forcing them to divert personnel to defend us, our borders, and our principles while failing to do our part. All Canadians should feel the same shame that I do in this regard. Whether we choose to join the U.S. in Iraq is one thing. To sit back and judge while enjoying the safety and not even defend ourselves is another.
Special Note Of Shame:
My deepest apologies to the Peewee team who came from Boston to play in Canada only to have their anthem booo'd. These kids and their families came as our guests to play hockey. It is a Canadian National Disgrace that this happened. Regardless of your politics- Don't Take It Out On The Kids!!! Special thanks to the people of Fredericton who invited these kids back and went all out to make it up to them.
We owe a lot to the Yanks. They are our friends. We should never let them forget that and be prepared at all times to support them and come to their aid at the drop of a hat if needed. The current American or Canadian Administration is irrelevant. Our ties go much deeper than this. We are in no position to judge whatsoever so long as our military remains in its current state
I was reading a Mclean's Magazine article about our relationship with our southern neighbors. Good article! Among the many points made were a few that reminded me a some of the facts that I had been forgetting lately. In particular was a poll taken in both countries regarding our feelings toward each other. It would appear that we Canucks are in general much more angry at the U.S. than they are at us. I think this gives a lot a credit to the Yanks.
During the poll several American respondents made some very good points. One of which deals with the American willingness and capability of coming to our assistance in time of need. The vast majority of Americans stated that they would come to our defense if needed. Many Canadians felt the same but there answer was conditional on the circumstances. I have to agree with the Yanks when they say several things. They stated that in their free country the whole world hears all the details right away and are therefore in a position to judge quickly- this is not true on many places in the world- I AGREE. Another is that the Americans, being the strongest, are called upon to save the free world everytime a problem arises- I AGREE. One person stated that if it hadn't been for the Americans, Canucks would now be speaking German or Russian- I DISAGREE- the Americans stayed out of the First World War until 1917, 3 years after everyone else. The Americans didn't enter WW2 until 1941- The Canucks had been in from the beginning- 1939.
American and Canadians answered alike when questioned about the state of the Canadian military- Canada has a military? Canadians feel alike in that the state of our military forces is a disgrace. It is shameful that we have allowed them to degrade to this point. By allowing this state we do a disservice to our people in the forces as well as failing to fulfill our obligations to the U.N., Nato, Norad, and our friends worldwide. We have long lived in peace in Canada. We have become very used to the idea that we are in no real danger of invasion because the U.S. would be quick to come to our aid. This comfort and the fact that Canada is viewed worldwide as a safe haven for persecuted peoples makes it easy to forget why we are able to live this way. While I respect and agree with the decision that Canada not go to war in Iraq, we are in no position to judge too harshly while sitting comfortably because of our proximity to the U.S. We are in large part safe here because of the U.S. The will of their people has long been to help the needy all over the world, this only becomes a problem because of their leaders and corporations. Perhaps if Canada was doing its fair share in support of our agreed upon responsibilities than the American Forces woudn't be stretched too thin. That means that we Canadians our causing the deaths of Americans in Iraq by forcing them to divert personnel to defend us, our borders, and our principles while failing to do our part. All Canadians should feel the same shame that I do in this regard. Whether we choose to join the U.S. in Iraq is one thing. To sit back and judge while enjoying the safety and not even defend ourselves is another.
Special Note Of Shame:
My deepest apologies to the Peewee team who came from Boston to play in Canada only to have their anthem booo'd. These kids and their families came as our guests to play hockey. It is a Canadian National Disgrace that this happened. Regardless of your politics- Don't Take It Out On The Kids!!! Special thanks to the people of Fredericton who invited these kids back and went all out to make it up to them.
We owe a lot to the Yanks. They are our friends. We should never let them forget that and be prepared at all times to support them and come to their aid at the drop of a hat if needed. The current American or Canadian Administration is irrelevant. Our ties go much deeper than this. We are in no position to judge whatsoever so long as our military remains in its current state