Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Election Day:
The federal elections are almost upon us. I have intentionally avoided the topic to this point simply because I haven't had a lot to work with here. Paul Martin is the person who appears most capable of running the country. He is not terribly likely to win as someone must pay for the liberals record to date. Canadians are fed up with the never ending taxes only to find out that the way to plenty is by becoming a liberal who works for the federal gov't. The days of the good 'ol boy back room deals in government must surely end sometime.
Harper, to me, seems in way over his head. His plans seem fanciful. I don't want a politician to tell me what I want to hear if they are not being sincere. Second, he needs to come up with a plan which is doable, well-thought out and has at least a chance of working.
Leyton: probably how I'll go. This is not do to any outstanding capabilities on his part. Normally I'd vote liberal but not this time!!!!! I'll probably go NDP simply because I lack any better alternative.
Hey Gille!!!! Ever consider re-naming your party and offering up your leadership to the whole country. Might be interesting to see the result as the polls are showing that his favor is increasing across the country.
I have recently received several e-mails regarding the election. Both merit comment. The first of which essentially goes over the liberal history of the last 35 years and as such gives good reasons for someone not to vote liberal. I have received muliple copies of this one complete with the individuals' own opinion on who they are going to vote for. It has been fun to read the different views on the subject.
The second e-mail I received I can most accurately describe as hate mail, while it may not meet the legal definition. This letter tries to make several points. It is mostly a rant against immigrants to Canada. The letter complains about the fact that we can't pray in school. We can't use the term Christmas for fear of offending someone. The letter states that this country, Canada, was founded by Christians and that any immigrants must be forced to respect that fact, learn English, or get out. I can respect some of the comments made in this letter, but not many. Firstly, this country was not founded by Christians!!! What percentage of a group must be Christian before the whole group gets labeled Christian. The First Nations people were hear for many centuries before the country was founded. Seems to me that what was found was never lost. Among the first, shall we say, colonizers of Canada were many Jews, Africans, Asian workers. etc. Far to many to say that Canada was founded by Christians alone. Yes , I agree, that Christians should feel free to call Christmas what it is. That doesn't mean that we have to shove it down anyone's throat.
Canada has long been described and viewed by the rest of the world as a place where many cultures come together to live in peace. For a long time now, peoples of English, French, Russian. Polish. Asian, African, and pretty much every region, religion and culture on the planet have sought refuge here. Should a new arrival attempt to learn one of our principle lanuages? Absolutely. Should they have to respect our laws? Definitely. My problem with immigrants has nothing to do with them really. My problem is with the government. They are charged with ensuring that we do not give refuge to person who will not respect us, have committed heinous crimes elsewhere, or are or have been members of criminal, terroristic organizations. Usually by the time that they decide that a person is a problem and want to do something about it, they have lost track of them.
We should welcome person of all nations here. The oath they take upon entry must be worded in such a way as to make the meaning clear! Break our laws in any serious way and your out! Come to Canada to prosper and find peace. Leave the fighting behind. While I understand a person's wish to help those left behind, no direct action in another nation must be entered outside of the lawful government sanctioned policy of Canada. If any of these rules are a problem with persons seeking entry THEY SHOUD FEEL FREE TO STAY OUT!!!! We have a right to expect our leaders to enforce this policy in an efficient and timely fashion. It is the failure of our government to do this that results in the problems we have with some immigrants and the resluting border problems we have with our neighbors.
The federal elections are almost upon us. I have intentionally avoided the topic to this point simply because I haven't had a lot to work with here. Paul Martin is the person who appears most capable of running the country. He is not terribly likely to win as someone must pay for the liberals record to date. Canadians are fed up with the never ending taxes only to find out that the way to plenty is by becoming a liberal who works for the federal gov't. The days of the good 'ol boy back room deals in government must surely end sometime.
Harper, to me, seems in way over his head. His plans seem fanciful. I don't want a politician to tell me what I want to hear if they are not being sincere. Second, he needs to come up with a plan which is doable, well-thought out and has at least a chance of working.
Leyton: probably how I'll go. This is not do to any outstanding capabilities on his part. Normally I'd vote liberal but not this time!!!!! I'll probably go NDP simply because I lack any better alternative.
Hey Gille!!!! Ever consider re-naming your party and offering up your leadership to the whole country. Might be interesting to see the result as the polls are showing that his favor is increasing across the country.
I have recently received several e-mails regarding the election. Both merit comment. The first of which essentially goes over the liberal history of the last 35 years and as such gives good reasons for someone not to vote liberal. I have received muliple copies of this one complete with the individuals' own opinion on who they are going to vote for. It has been fun to read the different views on the subject.
The second e-mail I received I can most accurately describe as hate mail, while it may not meet the legal definition. This letter tries to make several points. It is mostly a rant against immigrants to Canada. The letter complains about the fact that we can't pray in school. We can't use the term Christmas for fear of offending someone. The letter states that this country, Canada, was founded by Christians and that any immigrants must be forced to respect that fact, learn English, or get out. I can respect some of the comments made in this letter, but not many. Firstly, this country was not founded by Christians!!! What percentage of a group must be Christian before the whole group gets labeled Christian. The First Nations people were hear for many centuries before the country was founded. Seems to me that what was found was never lost. Among the first, shall we say, colonizers of Canada were many Jews, Africans, Asian workers. etc. Far to many to say that Canada was founded by Christians alone. Yes , I agree, that Christians should feel free to call Christmas what it is. That doesn't mean that we have to shove it down anyone's throat.
Canada has long been described and viewed by the rest of the world as a place where many cultures come together to live in peace. For a long time now, peoples of English, French, Russian. Polish. Asian, African, and pretty much every region, religion and culture on the planet have sought refuge here. Should a new arrival attempt to learn one of our principle lanuages? Absolutely. Should they have to respect our laws? Definitely. My problem with immigrants has nothing to do with them really. My problem is with the government. They are charged with ensuring that we do not give refuge to person who will not respect us, have committed heinous crimes elsewhere, or are or have been members of criminal, terroristic organizations. Usually by the time that they decide that a person is a problem and want to do something about it, they have lost track of them.
We should welcome person of all nations here. The oath they take upon entry must be worded in such a way as to make the meaning clear! Break our laws in any serious way and your out! Come to Canada to prosper and find peace. Leave the fighting behind. While I understand a person's wish to help those left behind, no direct action in another nation must be entered outside of the lawful government sanctioned policy of Canada. If any of these rules are a problem with persons seeking entry THEY SHOUD FEEL FREE TO STAY OUT!!!! We have a right to expect our leaders to enforce this policy in an efficient and timely fashion. It is the failure of our government to do this that results in the problems we have with some immigrants and the resluting border problems we have with our neighbors.