Sunday, July 04, 2004
Elk in Kentucky?:
According to reports Elk have been re-introduced into Kentucky and have been thriving there. So much in fact that there are growing fears of accidents involving them. The real answer is for people to be aware of the danger and slow down in those areas. In Canada we have a number of large wild animals and there are numerous accidents every year involving them. In the vast majority of those accidents the fault was the drivers. With a little awareness and alert driving a person can drive on these roads their whole life without even a close call. It is humans who must adjust are lifestyle to include nature now. Nature has adjusted enough!!!
According to reports Elk have been re-introduced into Kentucky and have been thriving there. So much in fact that there are growing fears of accidents involving them. The real answer is for people to be aware of the danger and slow down in those areas. In Canada we have a number of large wild animals and there are numerous accidents every year involving them. In the vast majority of those accidents the fault was the drivers. With a little awareness and alert driving a person can drive on these roads their whole life without even a close call. It is humans who must adjust are lifestyle to include nature now. Nature has adjusted enough!!!