Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Cat Skinning, For Your Entertainment!:
I really can't quite believe this one. They way I understand it, it goes something like this: Two " Art Students" decide that it would be a great idea to take a pretty much defenseless, against human males. cat and make a film out of skinning it alive, and then calling it Art. The pair were convicted of animal cruelty. They have managed to overcome this setback and are now showing this film in Toronto at a film festival. Truly, this must be an example of humans gone mad. We can accept that we come from a species of hunters and this instinct may remain stronger in some than in others. This was not, however, the act of a hunter. This was an act of monsters. That's right, monsters, disguised as human beings. How anyone could find this entertaining is unbelievable to me. I actually don't even like a lot of cats. I go about 50-50 on whether I want to pet one or strangle it. The thing is I don't strangle it. It has to remain a fantasy that sometimes helps when one of our cats discovers a new way to make me totally insane. Problem is, anything I might do to one of the cats, my wife will visit upon me ten-fold. I've long ago accepted that I can't win the battle of the cats, so they remain the true kings of this castle, and I get to go on bitching about them. In the end, everyone wins. Cats get to go on living, wife gets to keep her bevy of pets, and I get to keep bitching.
Now back to the deviants, I laws are seriously flawed if excrement such as these are allowed to show this type of thing in public. Whether you would like to see all cats dead or not, surely you don't feel that skinning one alive is the right thing to do. I don't care what any law anywhere says to the contrary, no one has the right to take the life of anything accept as a means to survive. Should we have the need to kill. we at least owe it to the animal to do it in the fastest and most painless way possible. Failure to respect this basic tenet of existence should never be allowed under the law. Allowing these individuals to flaunt it is even worse.
I really can't quite believe this one. They way I understand it, it goes something like this: Two " Art Students" decide that it would be a great idea to take a pretty much defenseless, against human males. cat and make a film out of skinning it alive, and then calling it Art. The pair were convicted of animal cruelty. They have managed to overcome this setback and are now showing this film in Toronto at a film festival. Truly, this must be an example of humans gone mad. We can accept that we come from a species of hunters and this instinct may remain stronger in some than in others. This was not, however, the act of a hunter. This was an act of monsters. That's right, monsters, disguised as human beings. How anyone could find this entertaining is unbelievable to me. I actually don't even like a lot of cats. I go about 50-50 on whether I want to pet one or strangle it. The thing is I don't strangle it. It has to remain a fantasy that sometimes helps when one of our cats discovers a new way to make me totally insane. Problem is, anything I might do to one of the cats, my wife will visit upon me ten-fold. I've long ago accepted that I can't win the battle of the cats, so they remain the true kings of this castle, and I get to go on bitching about them. In the end, everyone wins. Cats get to go on living, wife gets to keep her bevy of pets, and I get to keep bitching.
Now back to the deviants, I laws are seriously flawed if excrement such as these are allowed to show this type of thing in public. Whether you would like to see all cats dead or not, surely you don't feel that skinning one alive is the right thing to do. I don't care what any law anywhere says to the contrary, no one has the right to take the life of anything accept as a means to survive. Should we have the need to kill. we at least owe it to the animal to do it in the fastest and most painless way possible. Failure to respect this basic tenet of existence should never be allowed under the law. Allowing these individuals to flaunt it is even worse.