Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Deviance in Iran:
I don't know why, but I always think of serial killers as a particularly western thing. I know that in reality this is not the case. In fact the opposite may be true. It's likely the reason that I feel this way is simply that living in North America, I tend to hear a lot more about our murderers than I do about anyone else's. In any case, it looks like Iran has a little problem of their own in the two men recently charged with the killing of many children. The report says ten kids' bodies have been found so far and many more are expected. Unfortunately for us and Iran, this is one problem we seem to share.
I don't know why, but I always think of serial killers as a particularly western thing. I know that in reality this is not the case. In fact the opposite may be true. It's likely the reason that I feel this way is simply that living in North America, I tend to hear a lot more about our murderers than I do about anyone else's. In any case, it looks like Iran has a little problem of their own in the two men recently charged with the killing of many children. The report says ten kids' bodies have been found so far and many more are expected. Unfortunately for us and Iran, this is one problem we seem to share.