Monday, September 20, 2004
Microsoft to Open Up?:
Have they finally started to see the light. Microsoft is reportedly going to reveal its source code to its government clients. Well, it's a start. Probably way to late for me. I have spent far too many hundreds of hours trying to get my system running properly while listening to Compak blame Microsoft and Microsoft blame Compak. Had I access to the code, I could have fixed the mess myself. Frankly, I don't trust Microsoft. Until we can view the code ourselves we will never really know what the hell they have placed within it. So now, out of some great business acumen, they have started the process of trying to undo all the bad press they've been getting. Fact is, they will have to completely change their entire business ethics for it to make any difference to me and likely, many others. Before I ever buy another Windows box, I will have exhausted every other alternative available, and would have to achieve the same level of disgust with them as I have for Windows. My words on this have been long, varied, and often within these pages, so long time readers will have heard much of this before, so I'll not go into my tirade with anymore detail than I have already out of pity for those who would chose to read it.
Have they finally started to see the light. Microsoft is reportedly going to reveal its source code to its government clients. Well, it's a start. Probably way to late for me. I have spent far too many hundreds of hours trying to get my system running properly while listening to Compak blame Microsoft and Microsoft blame Compak. Had I access to the code, I could have fixed the mess myself. Frankly, I don't trust Microsoft. Until we can view the code ourselves we will never really know what the hell they have placed within it. So now, out of some great business acumen, they have started the process of trying to undo all the bad press they've been getting. Fact is, they will have to completely change their entire business ethics for it to make any difference to me and likely, many others. Before I ever buy another Windows box, I will have exhausted every other alternative available, and would have to achieve the same level of disgust with them as I have for Windows. My words on this have been long, varied, and often within these pages, so long time readers will have heard much of this before, so I'll not go into my tirade with anymore detail than I have already out of pity for those who would chose to read it.