Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Syrians to Pull Out of Lebanon:
It has been nearly 25 years that Syria has kept troops in Lebanon. In response to a U.N. request they appear to be leaving. The tragic recent history of Lebanon is certainly one of the worlds greatest. Beirut was once considered to be one of the most beautiful. enlightened, and accepting cities in the world. For the most part, the evidence suggests that the international community's involvement has left the country in ruins. We haven't quite figured out how to help someone without dictating to them or completely destroying what we sought to help. I thought real counselors didn't imprison those who they were helping. In Canada, we have a fairly strong Lebanese community. These new arrivals in Canada have managed to find peace and understanding, for the most part. I have been lucky enough to meet several people from Lebanon and count some of them as friends. They are good, hard working people with a strong devotion to their families. These characteristics are some of the ones that I find most important in life. We might all learn from them. No, I'm not talking about American family values. It wasn't so long ago that the Moral Majority was trying to ram their version of life down all our throats. Short of causing suffering to another, none of us has a right to sit in judgment of anyone. Perhaps we should be leaving the judgment to God or cosmic justice or whatever Karma you might believe in. None is without error or transgression. At one time Lebanon was the very picture of acceptance of other beliefs and harmonious living among widely varying peoples.
As a species we are seriously failing in our efforts to really learn from history. We continue to interfere in affairs that we seem unequipped to solve or understand. The result is most often disaster. Iraq comes to mind. Another Vietnam, who knows. The American invasion has made the situation so complicated that it appears it will be an awfully long time before it becomes a country known for its tourism. In fact, now that the damage has been done, I can see no clear path out of this mess. If the Americans simply leave Iraq, it is likely that full scale civil war will result. Now, even U.N. troops will be seen as the enemy. Before the Western nations can truly help anyone, they must first start by being far more open about their reasons for doing so. They must also accept that not all problems can be solved from the outside. Only history can truly judge whether this action finally leads to stability in the region. If Beirut is any indicator, it is not likely to be a very pleasant place to live in my lifetime.
It has been nearly 25 years that Syria has kept troops in Lebanon. In response to a U.N. request they appear to be leaving. The tragic recent history of Lebanon is certainly one of the worlds greatest. Beirut was once considered to be one of the most beautiful. enlightened, and accepting cities in the world. For the most part, the evidence suggests that the international community's involvement has left the country in ruins. We haven't quite figured out how to help someone without dictating to them or completely destroying what we sought to help. I thought real counselors didn't imprison those who they were helping. In Canada, we have a fairly strong Lebanese community. These new arrivals in Canada have managed to find peace and understanding, for the most part. I have been lucky enough to meet several people from Lebanon and count some of them as friends. They are good, hard working people with a strong devotion to their families. These characteristics are some of the ones that I find most important in life. We might all learn from them. No, I'm not talking about American family values. It wasn't so long ago that the Moral Majority was trying to ram their version of life down all our throats. Short of causing suffering to another, none of us has a right to sit in judgment of anyone. Perhaps we should be leaving the judgment to God or cosmic justice or whatever Karma you might believe in. None is without error or transgression. At one time Lebanon was the very picture of acceptance of other beliefs and harmonious living among widely varying peoples.
As a species we are seriously failing in our efforts to really learn from history. We continue to interfere in affairs that we seem unequipped to solve or understand. The result is most often disaster. Iraq comes to mind. Another Vietnam, who knows. The American invasion has made the situation so complicated that it appears it will be an awfully long time before it becomes a country known for its tourism. In fact, now that the damage has been done, I can see no clear path out of this mess. If the Americans simply leave Iraq, it is likely that full scale civil war will result. Now, even U.N. troops will be seen as the enemy. Before the Western nations can truly help anyone, they must first start by being far more open about their reasons for doing so. They must also accept that not all problems can be solved from the outside. Only history can truly judge whether this action finally leads to stability in the region. If Beirut is any indicator, it is not likely to be a very pleasant place to live in my lifetime.