Sunday, October 24, 2004
And Finally to Iraq
The Care organization has pulled its people out of Iraq. I wonder if this was one of the goals of the operation to kidnap their Baghdad director? These monsters have to be stopped, but it shoudn't be the Americans who do it. The American record in this case is very tainted and another international force should take over. For this to happen, the Americans have to agree to withdraw. Anyone care to guess at when and if that will ever happen while oil still flows in Iraq and their are still billions to be made in the rebuilding effort. For gods sakes Americans, get rid of George and replace him with someone whose primary concern is not always money and power. And to the Iraqi monsters holding Mrs. Hassan- let her go! You do your cause no good whatsoever, so much so in fact I might suspect these guys of working for the Americans because their actions assist the Yanks so much in their battle for world opinion. How is any of these actions, American or Iraqi supposed to be helping the Iraqi people which everyone involved keeps saying is their primary goal.