Sunday, October 24, 2004
Canadians Get Life in U.S.
Once again, the American justice system has had to deal with our Canadian garbage. I don't know if these two monsters were ever charged in Canada. The trend hear seems to be that whenever the police finally catch and charge someone, the courts give them a very light sentence and the criminal in a very short time gets to go back on the streets to do it all over again. Repeat at least three times before they ever get anything significant in the way of jail sentences. This holds true even for very violent or serious crimes. This is one area where Canada might learn something from the U.S., at least in regards to violent crime. The drugs laws in the U.S. are archaic and need to be changed. But back to the Canadian problem. We are failing ourselves and our friends to the south when we fail to properly deal with our own garbage which too many times results in the Americans having to do it for us. Many murderers in Canada serve less than five years. The guys from B.C. got three consecutive life terms. Unless they escape, they will never walk free again. This is a very appropriate sentence for their crimes.