Monday, October 04, 2004
Fire Ants in Taiwan
Humans continue to impact their environment in detrimental ways. The fire ants in Taipei are a classic example of the affect of human interaction on a global scale. Each time a new insect in introduced into an ecosystem it has the chance of creating a domino affect on that system which could completely disrupt it. As each additional insect is introduced those odds increase at an exponential rate. It should be interesting to see when the next disastrous infestation will occur as the result of humans. This is one problem that is not going to go away. Short of sterilizing everything that travels between countries, there is no real way to avoid it so long as we operate on a global scale. The only thing we can really do is minimize the risks. Limit travel and shipping of goods between nations unless absolutely necessary. The alternative is the eventual and gradual loss of all diversity of life on the planet as some species become prevalent and others can't compete with the new species and don't have the time to evolve defenses. Without the presence of humans, this migration would follow more natural patterns and species would have time to adapt to the new conditions.