Sunday, October 31, 2004
Mackay Slurs Italians
Conservative Deputy Mackay is reported to have referred to Gagliano as a member of La Familia( a mobster). I certainly hope that he has some facts to back up this suggestion. The whole sponsorship scandal is so polluted that it's impossible to come to an informed opinion as to what exactly took place there. Should Mackay prove to have no other cause than his own prejudice for his comments, then he owes all Italians an apology. I have leaned nothing but the greatest respect for Italian Canadians. This group of Canadians makes up the largest portion of my business customers. As such I have been able to come to the conclusion that the Italians I know are hard working, honest, social, and frankly damn fine people to work for. Are there exceptions? Of course. Does this erase the finer qualities of the majority of Italian Canadians? Absolutely not!