Monday, November 29, 2004
Canadian Parliamentary Foolishness
I just don't understand all the hoopla about the immigration minister meeting with a representative of a stripper looking to have her case reviewed. Is this not the job of Sgro in the first place? This debacle has now been going on for a week with the opposition calling for her resignation. I might understand it if she was receiving some sort of compensation from the strippers for the meeting, but to my knowledge she is not. It would appear that the main reason for all the attention is because of the word stripper. The politicos realize that this word will gain media attention so they are milking it for all they can. I might understand if the debate was centered around the concept of whether there should be a special clause in the immigration policies for strippers or not but this has not been the case.There are far more important issues in this country that should be the focus of our leaders in this day and age. Their continued attention to this particular issue amounts to a great waste of taxpayer money and they should get back to the more important debates and issues of the day.