Saturday, November 27, 2004
F16 Strafes School in New Jersey
Accidents can happen, even in the U.S. What gets me about this one is the response of some of the people involved in the issue. Quotes such as " it is unpatriotic to question the military during the Iraqi crises" or " let them alone because these guys are putting their lives on the line over there". Oh come on, they are apparently putting the lives of American school children on the line over here as well. Even for those unfortunates who support the Iraqi Action should admit that these types of accidents must be investigated to ensure that it is not repeated. This is not a question of patriotism, just survival of your kids. I strongly suspect that their reaction might be different if one of their own kids ended up dead. Would they still consider it unpatriotic to question how this accident had happened? Lets not confuse patriotism with idiocy. Again, accidents do happen, especially when training for armed conflict. War is a dangerous business. While this doesn't mean that the pilot should be raked over the coals for it, it also doesn't mean that the incident should be ignored either. Ignoring it is the best way to ensure that it will happen again, and the next time, it might be a school near you, and your kids might just be inside it. Military training generally should not endanger the civilians who live near the training ground and when it does there must be an investigation in order to change the training procedure to prevent it in the future.