Wednesday, November 17, 2004
George is Coming
He's coming! Yes George is coming to Ottawa. Let the church bells ring. But seriously folks, I don't want him and I'm sure that thought is shared by many Canadians. From the softwood lumber dispute that the Americans have chosen to ignore ruling after ruling by the International courts and NAFTA , to the war in Iraq, I find that we have less and less to discuss. There comes a time when you just have to say enough, George passed that point a very long time ago. You can talk politics and morality to a turkey all day long, doesn't mean it's going to listen and get the point. Such is the case with George. I often wonder if one of the main reasons for this Iraq thing is simply because George likes to call himself a War President, as if that explains and justifies all his actions, he certainly seems to enjoy calling himself that. Anyway, stay home George. We don't need to protests, riots, and chaos that your visits seem to bring along with you wherever you go. I don't believe in the positive affects of violent protest. I think Canadians might get there point across much better if the people who come out for the big visit simply turn there backs every time he speaks, on mass. Your words are poison George with very little basis in fact,so much so in fact that it's pointless to even talk with you. Almost any other human being in the world would be welcome to discuss the issues, but not you. Save the lies for the American people who seem to have no problem with them. Slogans and media control may work for you in the U.S. but there effect will be the opposite here. Paul Martin may feel that there is something positive to be gained by your Royal Visit but I do not. Just four more years, just four more years.... I keep telling myself that. I wonder if the world can hold its breath for that long.