Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Global Warming
Seems that finally, most of the worlds scientific community is coming to recognize the affects of global warming. What I find very surprising is the fact that they are about thirty years late in facing the obvious. In fact, even now they are seriously tame in describing the possible affects. They are not taking into account just how much all life is linked together on this planet and the domino affect. As they changes occur they will piggyback on each other exponentially. So much so in fact that it is virtually impossible to predict the true affect with our current knowledge. If these changes were happening more slowly than I have no doubt that the life would adapt and go on- nature is good like that. However, the changes are happening at a rate never recorded. The cumulative affect will very likely be disastrous to humans should we fail to stop and possibly reverse some of the damage now. While it is true that the force of capitalism in most cases moderates human activity unlike any other and as such when water becomes more rare and expensive..... humans will conserve it, this may be the one area where these forces will not be quick enough to save us. This holds even more true when we recognize that we don't life in a true capitalist society. Government involvement in dairy, wheat, lumber, oil, etc. causes these industries to act outside the true forces of capitalism and as such can't be counted on to move in the right directions to save us. In any case this is going to be one very interesting ride as the next twenty years or so unfold. Twenty years from now, it is going to be very difficult indeed for any politician to stand at the podium and profess that this is all part of some natural trend.