Saturday, November 13, 2004
Gulf War Syndrome
The evidence continues to build regarding gulf war sickness. Meanwhile most departments of defense' continue to deny any link between the high rates of serious illness among troops who served in the first war and the fact that they served in that war. What's really pathetic is the fact that these men and women deserve much better. Statistical analysis should be enough to confirm that something is certainly going on with these people and that they should receive the best care and support that the government can provide. Both Canada and the U.S. have a very bad record in regards to post-service support of it's military personnel. In the case of the gulf war veterans, if the U.S. is denying the links for reasons of public appearance or anything else, it is one more bad mark on the overall report card.
I tried to take your survey but the page wouldn't display. I may try again later, sorry.
William Smith