Thursday, November 04, 2004
Heeeeee's Baaaaack!
I guess the intention of these monsters kidnapping innocent men and women in Iraq was to scare Americans. It worked. All too predictably the result has been to get George elected for another four years. Given the record of these cowards so far, I have to assume this is what they wanted. Them Yanks is a stubborn lot. It should come as no surprise that they would react to this threat as they have, which is to elect a President who has shown he has no problem with sending in the troops. Virtually everyone polled states that they do not like George's performance on every front. Yet, he returns. I get the impression that he views the people as sort of pets. He has no problem living high class while so many of his pets live low class. He has no problem starting wars purely for economic reasons and the suffering and death of so many innocents is merely "fortunes of war". Moore made a very good point when he states that virtually no "son of Congress" is currently serving with the forces in Iraq. Oh Yeah, they have no problem sending your sons and daughters to die so long as they don't have to make that same sacrifice. I'm tired of Bush and the world he is making for all our children. Humans absolutely learn that we are all brothers and sisters and as such we must work together, protect each other, and learn together if we are to save this planet. There's not much time left. Even less so now that George is going to have four more years to cause even more damage to our future.
Interesting thesis. So most Americans disagree with the guy on everything yet he got elected? Wow, this whole democracy thing isn't working out too well.