Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Hello to All
Just wanted to take a minute to welcome the readers from the intelligence community and the American Army. Don't be afraid to add your two cents to my thoughts. The wonderful thing about living in a democracy is the fact that we can express ourselves freely. The other wonderful thing about democracy is the concept of open-government. This concept has been somewhat lost over the last 50 years. The stated reasons are as a result of national security concerns. This is bull. It has a lot more to do with keeping the ignorant masses ignorant than it has to do with national security. For a democracy to truly work as intended, it must embrace this concept of open-government. At any rate, I anxiously await the chance to debate some of these points. It's O.K. , don't be afraid to say your piece. I recognize that many Americans who have read this blog over the past year that I have been writing it, may not agree with all that I say. They may even think I'm anti-American. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's simply that I have a deep longing for the U.S. to be ruled and governed in the manner in which it was created. The ideals expressed at the creation of the U.S. within the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are among the highest ever recognized by a nation. It is in the application of these morals and rights that the U.S. has a long history of failure. As in any ideal, the application often falls far short of the ideal. It is in this area that the U.S. must evolve, hopefully before George Bush pushes the entire planet into anarchy. The U.S. can be the greatest force ever seen by man as far as leading the planet into a new era of freedom. The way they are going about it now will do just the opposite. There are so many voices of reason in the U.S. that it is amazing that the message is not getting out. From Noam Chomsky to Ralph Nader and everyone in between the U.S. has the brains and the talent to take a truly beneficial role in the future of the planet. So long as people like George Bush continue to lead, this will never happen.