Wednesday, November 24, 2004
JFK Game
I might as well weigh in on this one as I have on pretty much everything else. I have seen an awful lot of things that are in bad taste on the Internet. The new JFK game ranks right up there. In interviews with the creators they have expressed that the game was created as an educational tool. This is absolute bull. There are a lot of ways to teach about the assassination of JFK without getting people to take their symbolic turn at killing him themselves. This is simply a money making scheme that victimizes the family, friends, and anybody who remembers JFK with fondness. The full truth of the JFK incident will likely never be known. This one goes beyond bad taste. Not that I particularly care about the current senior Kennedys, but the younger ones, and the rest of us, deserve better. The best response to this one is for everyone to simply ignore it and not let these guys make any money from their efforts. The publicity it has already received almost guarantees that this will not be the case.