Saturday, November 27, 2004
Some Postal Workers Not Getting It
It's not all postal workers, not even the carriers, who are again threatening a strike during the Christmas rush. At least if it were the carriers, we could show a little sympathy. It's also hard to blame them in light of the massive raises our leaders regularly give themselves. But in the end, the real problem is the fact that less and less people are even using the mail system these days, and who can blame us. Why even bother with snail-mail when we can send letters instantly, and for free. Add to that picture the seemingly never-ending threat of a strike which would prevent our mail from arriving in a timely fashion, especially over the preferred strike threat period of Christmas, and these workers appear to be the author of their own demise. I can't even remember the last time I mailed a letter. I actually don't know a thing about the issues in this one, I only know that they should re-think their strategy as far as public opinion goes. All government services are being viewed increasingly with distrust by the general populace. Most of us consider a government job as being the equivalent of winning the Cash for Life Lottery. While the actual real workers, such as the carriers, hold much more respect, many of the others, especially the politicos, are being viewed with significant distaste as they get better and better packages that the rest of us don't.