Thursday, November 18, 2004
They Just Don't Get It
At this day in history, I still can't get over how many people there are who won't accept the truth of global warming and the state of the environment. They continue to argue that the current trends have nothing to do with humans and are in fact a natural cycle. While I admit that there is a natural warming and cooling cycle and I also believe that we are do for a natural shift, the changes we are seeing are far beyond natural. On any given day there are numerous articles concerning our affect on the ecosystem. From melting glaciers in Peru and Everest to premature deaths from high ozone levels to the ever increasing number of species becoming endangered everyday, the evidence is plain and plentiful. Yet they won't admit it. Now here's the really funny part, human beings are going to die from these changes at an ever-increasing rate whether those individuals ever admit it's our fault or not. Yes that's right, you don't have to be brilliant and admit the truth, because that same truth will kill you anyway whether you choose to ignore the truth or not.
The problem with re-introduction is not the ability to re-create extinct species but what to do with them once you have. We have many animals living in zoos that can never be released into the wild because they did not learn how to survive their when they were young.I share your hopes and hope also that are ability to train these animals grows along with are ability to create them.