Thursday, November 18, 2004
They Recognize Their Peril
Even the Taliban is now condemning the actions of the monsters who killed the CARE director. This is hardly a surprise. They recognize that they are going to be grouped right along with these guys and are going to be hunted more severely because of it. And to make matters even worse, the rest of the world will go along with it all the more willingly in the face of these actions. Meanwhile, George and the rest of that " War President" set will use it to gain even greater power and support for his actions among people all over the world. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't know who these guys are and what there real goal is other than throwing the world into anarchy, but they continue to be a better political tool for George Bush than anything else that I can think of. The last thing in the world they seem to be working towards is a better life and future for the Iraqi people.