Sunday, November 28, 2004
The Whales!
If anyone is taking notice, they will be astonished at the rate of beachings that are now taking place. The numbers are getting larger with beached whales appearing all over the world. From Australia to New Zealand to Cape Cod to Mexico they are beaching themselves everywhere. The scientist state that they can't prove what the cause of this trend is but I think we can make some pretty safe assumptions. Whales navigate by sonar. I think we can assume that they are not purposely committing mass suicide. That essentially leaves the question of navigation. The worlds oceans are now filled with so much sonar interference in the form of propellers and ships sonar systems as to effectively cause them to be blind. I read once that it was felt that whales had the ability to communicate almost 1/3 of the way around the world. I am quite certain that this is no longer the case. Combine this with the never before seen levels of toxins in the oceans waters and we have all the ingredients needed to cause yet another great link in the worlds eco-system to die out. We must start to limit the degree of human impact on the oceans if we are to save them in a state which even begins to approach the state that they were once in. The technology already exists for us to make some changes. Wind power for large vessels is not a new concept. This method of propulsion would not cause the many harmful effects of propeller and fuel based engines. Combine this concept with a reduction in global trade, trade which in fact does not make a lot of sense from an environmental perspective, and our impact would be much less. Now this may not be what the big corporations would have us believe, but we all know just how far we can trust these guys so long as their main consideration is how many millions they are going to make with their next bonus'. True ethics in business and government is long overdue. The only way it is going to come is if we make them feel it in the pocketbooks. Lets not hold our breath waiting for our leaders to do the right thing. The globe will be a barren wasteland long before that happens if we don't force the issue through our buying habits and the issues we stress come election time.