Wednesday, December 08, 2004
The Bush Report
George has recently stated that he sees ultimate victory in Iraq. What would be amusing about this comment if so many people weren't already dead is the fact that he declared victory and the end of major combat operations some time ago. Meanwhile, retiring CIA staff are saying that the country is falling into chaos with civil war the likely outcome. We have to give George some credit. History will remember him, that much is certain. He has broken all speed records for throwing the country into a major financial crises. He has gone a long way towards destroying democracy in his own country and continues with the process by trying to legalize even more stringent monitoring of our activities. As for the troops, recruitment continues to decline, returning troops are telling stories of dead civilians and existing troops are suing for breaking there contract by extending their stay in Iraq. He also continues to refuse to get on board with the rest of us about the environment and sign into Kyoto. He continues to argue against the critics from every corner. The man just won't listen, doesn't care, and supports the most a very small portion of the population, the ultra rich. What is amazing is that there must obviously be a great many Americans who will believe everything their President tells them and won't simply pick up a few world class newspapers and do a little reading. Having done so, they couldn't possibly deny the truth, could they?