Monday, December 06, 2004
Hawaiian Birds Continue Decline
They are blaming it on mosquitoes. Apparently, these foreign mosquitoes are causing the native birds in Hawaii to get sick and die. The problem of invasive species will continue to grow until we find a solution. The problem stems from the new global economy which encourages travel and shipping on a scale never before seen. This problem will get worse. There is no accurate way to know just how much damage has been done worldwide but just the damage from Zebra Mussels in the Great Lakes is estimated in the billions of dollars. Globally the damage is beyond the ability of anyone to estimate, and all because of humans. One might think that by now we'd be getting the message that our approach to life on this planet has significant flaws. Humans are now damaging or destroying more than we build or can ever fix. So long as we have the Bush's of the world to distract us with his insane foreign policy, we will never spend the resources to look at the more serious problem of our species survival and that of the rest of life on this planet. So keep it up George, the waters are rising, all life is dying and the bullets keep flying. I still have hope that the general level of intelligence in the U.S. will improve and that the media there might just start telling the people the truth. I read in Nieman's report that 80% of Americans think the world approves of the Iraq Invasion. This can not be farther from the truth. In fact less than 23% of the world approves. This doesn't even approach the subjects of WMD and the El Qaida connection, both of which have never been found and yet the majority of Americans think that they have? This is directly related to the media reports there. It is also the reason that I read news from every part of the globe except one, the U.S. I do not read any of the major news reports coming out of the U.S. as their fact base is almost non-existent. For more factual and complete reports I go elsewhere or read New Yorker, Nieman's, etc. Fox, CNN, CBS, NBC, and the rest of the main stream media is simply fodder for the ignorant masses.
Is it any wonder that Canadians don't want missile defense, don't trust George W., and generally don't want anything to do with American foreign policy. Good government is not based on lies, secrecy, and propaganda drives. These types of initiatives serve only to degrade the fabric of a democracy and in the end only hasten the decline of the American Empire. The ideals of America are great ones. There implementation leaves a whole lot to be desired.
Is it any wonder that Canadians don't want missile defense, don't trust George W., and generally don't want anything to do with American foreign policy. Good government is not based on lies, secrecy, and propaganda drives. These types of initiatives serve only to degrade the fabric of a democracy and in the end only hasten the decline of the American Empire. The ideals of America are great ones. There implementation leaves a whole lot to be desired.