Monday, December 06, 2004
North Korean Missiles in Canada?
So the latest view is that American missiles might not hit the evil North Korean Missiles in time resulting in pretty good odds that Canada will get hit anyway from the fallout of a late hit putting the missile over southern Canada instead of Northern. My question is this, after we get hit by a missile from either side or the debris therein, do you really think we're going to give a shit which one of the two equal partners in this scenario fired the actual one that killed us? Does anybody out there actually get it? We don't want missiles fired at us, over us, under us, or because of us. When it comes to the nukes, there are going to be no winners, we all lose. Another reason that the U.N. needs to sharpen it's teeth, so they can prevent these types of rogue states and regimes from threatening all our children. The U.S. must stop acting alone and start following the same laws which they hold over everyone else. Only then can they truly be the leaders of the free world.