Sunday, December 05, 2004
Over 20 Feet Rise in 70 Years
No more Arctic Ice Cap. Sea levels over 20 higher than now. All in only seventy years. Those are just some of the predictions coming out of the report by over 300 scientists on what we can expect over the next few decades. They have tied the data into the survival of the polar bears. Essentially, if we save the bears, we save ourselves. If those predictions are even partly accurate, we should all start moving to high ground. Most of the major cities in the world are going to be below sea level. This is going to happen in many of our lifetimes. There is still time, but not much. Whether Kyoto will be enough to slow the change is not at all certain, but it is a start. One that the U.S. still refuses to commit too. Unfortunately, by the time the American cities start to drown, it will be too late for them, and us because the affects of anyone's irresponsibility is global.