Sunday, December 05, 2004
Overpriced Online Music
A Buck A Song. That's the average price that they are charging to download a song from the internet. And they wonder why people don't want to pay. When we download music, we save the recording companies all the costs normally associated with CDs. Instead of passing these savings on to the consumer, they simply increase the profits one- thousand fold. If the companies wanted to take a more ethical approach, they would charge something like ten cents instead of one dollar. This would increase the incentive for people to buy online. Currently I have yet to purchase any music online. I'm much more inclined to go to the store and buy the CD as this gives me a hard copy, and it's the same damn price per song anyway. The fools in the recording industry just don't get it. They want it all for themselves without passing on any of the savings on to us. In actual fact, they could probably charge us one cent per song and still make the same profits as before. I would love to expand my collection without having to buy the whole CDs but I refuse to play into this new ripoff. So, I'll just keep getting the whole CD until these guys catch on to the fact that we are not all idiots who will be fooled by this latest scam. Anyone know of any alternate sites to purchase music that is priced more equitably? I don't want to rob the artists, but at the same time I don't want to be cheated either. Selling on the internet for the same price per song as the CDs is just a plain ripoff that we don't have to accept.