Saturday, December 18, 2004
Satan Makes a Comment
Well, I knew I attracted a diverse audience but Satan himself, wow! Satan has stopped by to a comment about my last post. This is my first deity to visit and comment and I'm hoping more will follow his lead and add their insights. This should not stop my regular mortal readers from commenting, as I value your opinions every bit as much as the devil's. Of course this may be just some Intelligence figure in the employ of Satan but I'll consider it the real thing as far as these comments go. Now that I know your reading this Blog, Satan, I have a question for you, is George Bush an unknowing disciple or is he fully aware that he's supporting your ambitions? Another question, how long do you think it will take before Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld come out of the closet, so to speak, and openly declare their support of your cause? Oh well, so many questions and so little time to address them all. I also would not want to take up too much of your time, knowing how busy you are with the wars, famine, suffering, disaster, and all the U.S. military campaigns. Of course this may have been just some ultra-right wing neo-fascist who takes exception to my blog. The last thing in the world that these ultra-rights want to see is anything resembling true democratic discourse. It might also be some kid thinking it's fun to imitate Satan, but I suspect that I don't generally get that many teenagers here. If it is some teenager I might suggest you pick a better role model to imitate.