Friday, December 17, 2004
Some States Breaking Ranks With Bush Over Kyoto
According to one report, a group of North Eastern States is planning to create it's own version of the Kyoto Accord. This will without doubt generate a lot of resistance within the Bush administration. They are currently examining the plan in hopes of finding some way that it violates American law. More and more the administration's stated position on the matter is coming under attack from outside the U.S., and now from within. Kyoto is shortly to become international law. Now, can anyone take a guess as to whether the U.S. will comply with international law, as any good democracy should. Or will they instead simply continue to argue the validity of the global warming debate, despite all evidence, and completely ignore the wishes of the rest of the world. You gotta love the American version of democracy. In the U.S., the version of democracy that is generally supported is one in which the U.S. gets to dictate all the rules and any globally, democratically enacted laws are simply ignored if they are not placing the U.S. in a very advantageous position. That, my friends, is not democracy at all but simply rule by exaggeration, misinformation, and ignorance. It's time to step up to the plate with the rest of us George. The result of not negotiating in good faith, ignoring the wishes of the rest of us, and continuing down this blind path that they seem to be following, is to risk another world war as the effects on the climate become more severe, and the entire world grows more desperate. The U.S. policy positions have long isolated them from the global community. As the self appointed leaders and savior's of the free world, they are an abismal failure, leaving ruin, death, and civil war in their wake more often than not. Most often the situation they leave behind is far worse than what was there to begin with. Keeping that in mind, one has to ask oneself what the real motives for their actions are, certainly not helping the nations that they invade. Perhaps they feel that after they have tried this approach often enough they will finally get it right. I suspect what it really has to do with is the infamous " American National Interests" which have absolutely nothing to do with the good of any other nation involved, while telling the American people that they are there to help. I wonder how long the American people can be fooled into believing this, and how long the rest of the world is going to continue to allow it. As the global community grows larger, and stronger, sooner or later they're going to say enough, and when that happens...... another war....a big one.... and this time, it's likely to be fought right here on North American soil. There are many good, honest, intelligent people in the U.S. who are trying to change the ignorance so prevalent there. I have the sincerest hopes that there efforts will not be in vain, before it is too late.