Tuesday, December 14, 2004
The War on Terror
I grow ,ore and more concerned that the War on Terror is poised to quickly become the War on Islam. I am seeing many signs that this is coming if more rational minds don't intervene. Another Arab television station has just been banned from France. With the seemingly endless reports of American casualties and the never-ending reports of kidnappings and bombings, the rest of the world begins to question all Muslims instead of just the ones who are committing these crimes. Islam was once considered the most tolerant religion in the world. Now the voices of those who only seek peace and freedom to practice their faith is overshadowed by the echo of explosions. Peace loving peoples of both side are watching children die. This breeds anger and hatred and finally more killing. The U.S. must learn to take a more co-operational approach to their world assistance program, if one chooses to call it that. It might start by not making the art of war such big business for the U.S. If it does need to send liberating or peace keeping troops somewhere, this should not represent a major financial windfall for American Corporations who sweep in to rebuild.
There are many signs that progress is being made in Lebanon and Israel, Iran and Afghanistan. However the American action in Iraq tends to undo all the progress that is being made. Many people are working to soften the American boot in Iraq, but what it really in the end comes down to is American National Interest as so many administrations have been so fond of saying.
There are many signs that progress is being made in Lebanon and Israel, Iran and Afghanistan. However the American action in Iraq tends to undo all the progress that is being made. Many people are working to soften the American boot in Iraq, but what it really in the end comes down to is American National Interest as so many administrations have been so fond of saying.