Sunday, January 23, 2005

Canadian Miltary's Buried Past

Looks like the Canadian Military is left with the job of dealing with toxic waste it has buried in the past. One area that holds interest to me is Shirley's Bay, a training site near Ottawa. I was one of the military people who trained at Shirley's Bay. While training there one day I grew weak and started to have trouble catching my breath. Within an hour I was at Ottawa's National Defense Medical Center in intensive care. My stay lasted a week due to what they described as a viral lung infection. That didn't exactly explain the large purple welt that had appeared on my stomach. Now I learn that they had buried some toxic stuff there. I don't know exactly what was buried and where. I might find that information helpful in knowing what long term affects might have resulted.

what the heck are you talking about wil. I'm canadian and how dare you say that about are goverment are military is one the most powerful and intelligent militarys in the world so I wouldn't be talking!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:16 p.m.  

The Canadian Military is one of the most powerful in the world? You've got to be kidding, right. This doesn't take away from the fact that the folks in the military are among Canada's very finest. People have to stop being so sensitive about admitting past errors, as such admission is the only way to make it right. As for the strength of the Canadian military, we won't have a serious military once again until the government decides to get serious about financing one.

By Blogger Wil Smith, at 7:09 p.m.  

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