Thursday, January 13, 2005
The Creationist Debate
There appears to be a rising problem in American schools over the teaching of evolution. The bible thumpers are protesting the teaching of evolution as opposed to creationism. The problem with teaching creationism as a viable theory is the fact that there is very little evidence to suggest that the theory is correct. Evolution on the other hand is backed by a great deal of evidence. I can understand why people who believe that the Earth was created about 6000 years ago might be upset by the fact that schools stress evolution, can you really blame them. Schools should, and for the most part do, teach subjects based on the best evidence and theories that are available at the time. Does this mean that they should exclude creationism, absolutely not. While schools should stress evolution as the most fact based theory available, I don't see any problem with them going over creationism as well. After all, it is another theory. However, it is not the only alternate theory. If creationism is to be included in the teachings, shouldn't all the theories be introduced and then let the students come to their own conclusions. The most common argument for creationism seems to be the fact that they say the universe is far too complicated and delicate for it to have evolved naturally. This is frankly bull. It's really just a numbers game and through the use of statistics and physics we can easily see how evolution may have in fact been the true sculptor of our world. Does this mean that evolution is the absolute truth? No! It simply means that it is the best theory we have to date based on the evidence. As in all knowledge, it may very well be that in the future we will gain more knowledge and look back on the theory of evolution as simplistic and flawed. Only time will tell. In the mean time shouldn't we teach our kids all the theories? The path to enlightenment is not travailed by steadfastly sticking to outdated and unsupported theories, but instead by the rational examination of all possibilities and continuing to search for the answers to the questions that these theories do not address.