Monday, January 10, 2005
Dart Finally Arrives
So Canada's contribution to the great tsunami effort has finally arrived in Sri Lanka. It is however unfortunate that this contribution has arrived just a wee bit late if you ask me. Bill Graham and company were thinking the matter over during the time that this team may have been most use. Now that they have arrived there seems to be some question as to just what they are actually going to do there. On CTV news there was some talk of road and bridge building. Isn't that the job of combat engineers and the like, not the job of a disaster team. Oh yeah that's right, Canada no longer believes in the concept of a military that is actually good for anything other than light police work. Oh, sorry, it's only the politicians that want to totally castrate our once proud military services. These Canadian politicians are really starting to piss me off. It's getting harder and harder for me to bitch about those crazies down south when frankly, they are the only ones who would save our asses if the fighting ever broke out in Canada or the U.S. In other words, Canada has to start pulling it's military weight if we are to keep the respect of the rest of the world. Then I can get back to the much more pleasant pastime of bitching about the Americans.