Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Five Days in Hell
They got through! Despite all my firewalls and security a hacker(s) managed to get through and make my last five days a living hell. The good side is that I had all my crucial files backed up. The bad thing is that with my bloody Microsoft box I effectively had to restore everything to factory condition before reloading all my software. I'm not done yet. Now this may very well be the work of some staunch defender of democracy who takes offence to some of my comments about American politics or it may be just some kid having some fun. Fact is that they tried it again last night. Fortunately I was in the middle of the re-install process and as such was able to stop it before to much damage was done. In any case I can't really understand why anyone would want to do this anyway. In the case of the democracy champion, isn't this kind of thing exactly what democracy and freedom of speech means? If it is some kid, wouldn't you get the same kick out of just getting around the security without destroying everything in the process? Anyway, I'm Back!!!!!