Sunday, January 16, 2005
Greenpeace and Amnesty International
I just wanted to take the opportunity to recognize the never ending and tireless efforts of what are probably the two organizations that I have the most respect for, Greenpeace and Amnesty International. Their efforts can only be described as heroic in the face of disinterest and often physical danger. Fact is, these guys and gals, have much more courage than I have or ever had, and I've had military training. It takes great bravery to take up a fight, it takes even more to take up that fight and not respond to violence with violence. I don't suggest that anyone not defend themselves when faced with physical harm, but I absolutely recognize that those individuals who are able to do just that have achieved a higher evolutionary level than I have been able to reach. I have hopes that one day violence will be such a rare occurrence that many more of us will be able to join those select few who have evolved to this more enlightened state. I have added links to my side bar for both in case anyone is interested. They have a lot of tips as to how you and I can be of help or simply start living in a more ethical fashion. Check em out.